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Faculty-Alumni Publications: Articles & Offprints
Bibliographic Index

Also available in PDF.

Note: The Faculty-Alumni Publications Collection, a permanent collection of works written or edited by a Drew University faculty or staff member or alumna/e, is comprised of two separate sub-collections. Monographs are cataloged as regular library books and shelved in the Archives Rm. 312, shelves F29-46. Articles and Offprints are preserved in archival boxes in Archives Rm. 312, shelf A14. They are searchable through this bibliographic index, alphabetized by faculty, staff or alumna/e author.


Title: Faculty-Alumni Publications: Articles & Offprints
Quantity: 8 boxes (open collection)
Format of Materials: Published articles and offprints
Location: Room 312, Shelf A14
Indexed by: Timothy Esh, February 2004

Further Research Resources

  • Faculty-Alumni Publications: Monographs, searchable through the library's main catalog.
  • Individual faculty papers collections
  • Faculty Biography General File

Box 1


Aldrich, Frederich A. and Margueritte L Marks. "Wymann Reed Green, American Biologist." BIOS, vol. 23, no. 1, March 1952: p. 26-35.

Andrea, Francine L. "Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance Recommends CM Changes." EASFAA Newsletter, Nov. 1990: p. 1, 6, 15-16.

Anderson, Bernhard W. "Education and the Christian Faith." Drew University Bulletin, vol. 42, no. 4, December 1954.

Applegate, Howard Lewis. "The American Revolutionary War Hospital Department." Military Medicine, April 1961: p. 296-306. Original Offprint.

Applegate, Howard Lewis. "Notes on Congregational Chaplains Serving in the American Revolutionary Army, 1775-1783." Boston: The Congregational Christian Historical Society, June 1, 1961. Original. 4 pgs.

Applegate, Howard Lewis. "Preventive Medicine in the American Revolutionary Army." Military Medicine, May, 1961: p. 379-82. Original Offprint.

Applegate, Howard Lewis."The Story of Sagamore." Syracuse: University College of Syracuse University, circa 1961. Original pamphlet, 14 pgs.

Benson, Purnell H. "A Model for the Analysis of Consumer Preference and an Exploratory Test." Journal of Applied Psychology, Oct. 1955. Ditto type of personal copy.

Bicknell, John W. "Alexander, Edward. John Morley." Choice, vol. 10, September 1973. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Armstrong, Isobel. Victorian Scrutinies; Reviews of Poetry, 1830-1870." Choice, vol. 10, no. 2, April 1973: p. 285. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Ball, Patricia M. The Heart's Event: The Victorian Poetry of Relationships." Choice. March 1977.

Bicknell, John W. "Chapman, Raymond. The Victorian Debate; English Literature and Society, 1832-1901." Choice, vol. 6, no. 3, May 1969: p. 356. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Cook, Eleanor. Browning's Lyrics: An Exploration." Choice, April 1975. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Gridley, Roy E. Browning." Choice, vol. 10, July-August 1973. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Haley, Bruce. The Healthy Body and Victorian Culture." Choice, March 1979. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Hood, Thomas. The Letters of Thomas Hood." Choice, vol. 11, March 1974. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Jack, Ian. Browning's Major Poetry." Choice, vol. 11, September 1974. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Jones, Enid Huws. Mrs. Humphry Ward." Choice, vol. 11, June 1974. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Kincad, James R. Tennyson's Major Poems: The Comic and the Ironic Patterns." Choice, January 1976. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Leslie Stephen's 'English Thought in the Eighteenth Century': A Tract for the Times." Victorian Studies, Dec 1962: p. 103-20.

Bicknell, John W. " Logan, James v. and others, eds. Some British Romantics; a Collection of Essays, by Northrop Frye and Others." Choice, vol. 4, no. 1, March 1967: p. 41. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Marples, Morris. Romantics at School." Choice, vol. 5, no. 2, April 1968: p. 196. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Marris, Roland Walter. Romanticism and the Social Order, 1780-1830. Choice, vol. 7, no. 9, November 1970: p. 1232. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Monson, Gerald Cornelius. Walter Pater." Choice, October 1977. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Mr Ramsay was Young Once." Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury: A Centenary Celebration. London: Macmillan, 1987: p. 52-67.

Bicknell, John W. "Panter-Downes, Mollie. At the Pines; Swinburne and Watts-Dunton in Putney." Choice, vol. 9, no. 4, June 1972: p. 506. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Peterson, William S. Victorian Heretic: Mrs. Humphry Ward's Robert Elsmere." Choice, March 1977. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Rance, Nicholas. The Historical Novel and Popular Politics in Ninteenth-Century England." Choice, October 1975. Book Review.

Bicknell, John Walter. Reflections on the Humanities in a Democratic Culture: Bunker Memorial Lecture. Jaffna College Publications, 1983.

Bicknell, John W. "Rubenius, Ania. The Woman Question in Mrs. Gaskell's Life and Works." Choice, vol. 10, December 1973. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Symonds, John Addington. Letters of John Addington Symonds." Choice, vol. 5, nos. 5-6, July-August 1968: p. 628. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Tennyson, Alfred. In Memoriam; An Authoritative Text, Background and Sources, and Criticism." Choice, vol. 11, September 1974. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Tennyson, Emily (Sellwood) Tennyson, Baroness. The Letters of Emily Lady Tennyson." Choice, vol. 11, no. 9, November 1974. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Thompson, Patricia. George Sand and the Victorians: Her Influence and Reputation in Nineteenth-Century England." Choice, March 1979. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Trollope, Anthony. The New Zealander." Choice, vol. 9, no. 9, November 1972: p. 1134. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Weistein, Mark A. William Edmondstoune Aytone and the Spasmodic Controversy." Choice vol. 5, no. 8, October 1968: p. 963.

Brack, Harold J. "Contextual Communication Therapy for Stuttering." The Speech Teacher, Date Unknown: p. 72-76.

Brack, Harold J. "Ernest Fremont Tittle: A Public Critic of the American Social Order." The Quarterly Journal of Speech, vol. 52, no. 4, December 1966: p.364-70. Reprint.

Brack, Harold J. "Is Effective Public Speaking 'Conversational'?" Publication information Unknown, p. 394-95.

Brack, Harold J. "New Priorities in Oral Interpretation." The Speech Teacher, Date Unknown: p. 71-73.

Brack, Harold J. "To Hear Ourselves as Others Hear Us." The Florida Speech Communication Journal, Date Unknown. 8-10.

Briggs, George W. "Applied Anthropology and Missions." Conference on the Training of the Ministry and Other Religious Leaders. Newark, NJ. Oct. 7-8, 1935. Advance Copy.

Brown, Arlo Ayres. "Devotional Address." The Savior of the World: Addresses Delivered at the Twenty-second Annual Conference on Ministerial Training: Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois Dec. 30, 1941-Jan 2. 1942, under the direction of The General Conference Commission on Courses of Study of The Methodist Church. Nashville, 1942. 55-58. Original bound in Issue.

Brown, Karen McCarthy. "Writing about 'The Other,' Revisited." Personal Knowledge and Beyond. Eds. James V. Spickard, J. Shawn Landres, and Meredith B. McGuire. New York: NYU P, 2002. 127-33. Photocopy.

Burke, Kenneth. "What are the Signs of What?: A Theory of 'Entitlement'." Anthropological Linguistics, vol. 4, no. 6, June 1962: 21 pages. Typescript.

Burnstein, Janet. "War of Contraries" (book review). Tikkun. vol. 17, no. 1, January/February 2002: p. 73-74. Photocopy.

Burnstein, Janet. "What Pain? What Strengths?: Writings by the Kin of Shoah Survivors Speak of the Burdens, and Privilege, of Imaginings Events Known Only Through the Scars of Their Parents" (book review). Forward, May 17, 2002: p. 10-11. Photocopy.

Cantero, Monica, Autumn B. Hostetter, and William D. Hopkins. "Different Use of Vocal and Gestural Communication by Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in Response to the Attentional Status of a Human (Homo Sapiens). Journal of Comparative Psychology, vol. 115, no 4. 2001: p. 1-7.

Cantero, Monica. "From Chocolate to Noodles to Silence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Construction of Intergenerational Communication," The Virginia Review of Asian Studies, vol. II, Fall, 2000: p. 111-19.

Cantero-Exojo, Monica. "Riding the Dragon: A Study in Cultural Transmission," The Virginia Review of Asian Studies, Vol. III, Fall, 2001: p. 149-52.

Cheshire, Richard D. "Black Colleges: Plight and Promise." The Torch, January 1970: p. 16-20.

Cheshire, Richard D. "Depressed Affluence: Marked Effect on Capital Campaign. Fund Raising Management, Nov./Dec. 1975: p. 29-31.

Cheshire, Richard D. "A Plan for the Negro Colleges." The Drew Magazine, Summer 1968: p. 7, 23-24.

Clasper, Paul D. "The Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Burma." Practical Anthropology, vol. 6, no. 6, November-December 1959: p. 251-61.

Cole, Darrell. "Just War, Penance, and the Church." Pro Ecclesia, vol. XI, no. 3, Summer 2002: p. 313-28. Photocopy.

Connors, Linda E. "Creating a Useable Past: The Role of the Quarterly Review in Shaping a National Identity for its Provincial Readers, 1820s-1850s." Epilogue: Canadian Bulletin for the History of Books, Libraries, and Archives , vol. 13, 1998-2003: pp. 11-20. Offprint.

Connors, Linda E. "From Art to Corporation: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., and the Cultural Effects of Merger," in The Structure of International Publishing in the 1990s, Fred Kobrak and Beth Luey, eds., (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1992). Photocopy.

Connors, Linda E. "From Art to Corporation: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., and the Cultural Effects of Merger," Book Research Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 4, Winter 1985-86. Photocopy.

Connors, Linda E. "The Periodicals and Newspapers of Nineteenth-Century Britain and its Empire: Three Case Studies in 'Being British.'" With Mary Lu MacDonald and Elizabeth Morrison. Epilogue: Canadian Bulletin for the History of Books, Libraries, and Archives , vol. 13, 1998-2003: pp. 1-10. Offprint.

Corrington, Robert S. "Be-ness and Nothingness in The Secret Doctrine." The Theosophist, vol. 123, no. 8, May 2002: 302-06. Photocopy.

Corrington, Robert S. "Emerson and the Agricultural Midworld." The Agrarian Roots of Pragmatism. Eds. Paul b. Thompson and Thomas C. Hilde. Nashville: Vanderbilt U P, 2000. 140-52. Photocopy.

Corrington, Robert S. "Framing and Unveiling in the Emergence of the Three Orders of Value." American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, vol. 23, no. 1, January 2002. 52-61. Photocopy.

Corrington, Robert S. "Jaspers and the Axial Transfiguration of History," in Karl Jaspers: On Philosophy of History and History of Philosophy , ed., Joseph W. Koterski and Raymond J. Langley. Amherst , N.Y. : Humanity Books, 2003: p. 295-302. Photocopy.

Corrington, Robert S. "My Passage from Panentheism to Pantheism." American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, vol. 23, no. 2, May 2002. 129-53. Photocopy.

Corrington, Robert S. "Nature," in A New Handbook of Christian Theology , ed., Donald W. Musser and Joseph L. Price. Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2003: p. 351-352. Photocopy.

Corrington, Robert S. "Unfolding/Enfolding the Categorial," in Semiotics 2002 , ed., Terry J. Prewitt and John Deely, Semiotic Society of America . Ottawa : Legas, 2003.

Corrington, Robert S. "World Making, World Taking: The Artifactual basis of Worldhood and its Unruly Ground" (review article). Semiotica, vol. 131, no. 3/4, 2000: p. 229-43.

Corrington, Robert S. "Varieties of Transcendental Experience: A Study in Constructive Postmodernism" (book review). Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, vol. 38, no. 3, Summer 2002: 457-63. Photocopy.

Craig, Clarence Tucker. "The Dependability of the Sources." The Savior of the World: Addresses Delivered at the Twenty-second Annual Conference on Ministerial Training: Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois Dec. 30, 1941-Jan 2. 1942, under the direction of The General Conference Commission on Courses of Study of The Methodist Church, no. 12, 1942: p. 22-26. Original, bound in issue. Copy 2 filed under A. A. Brown.

Craig, Clarence Tucker. "Methodist Emphasis in Theological Education." Drew University Bulletin, vol. 37, no. 4, November, 1949.

Craig, Clarence Tucker. "The Reality of the Church and Our Doctrines about the Church." Ecumenical Review, vol. 3, no. 3, April 1951: 213-220. Reprint.

Craig, Clarence Tucker.The Use of the Bible in Teaching. Nashville: Whitmore and Stone, 1942. Original. First published in The Church School.

Cranmer, H. Jerome. "Inflation: the Cruelest Tax." New Jersey Bell, undated: p. 2-4.

Cranmer, H. Jerome. "Internal Improvements in New Jersey: Planning the Morris Canal." Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, Undated: p. 342-41. Original, removed from issue.

Cranmer, H. Jerome. "You, Me and the GNP." Educational Economics, vol. 1, no. 1, February 1976: p. 27.

Cunningham, John T. "George Washington Stayed Awake Here: A Speech." Morristown, NJ: Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, 1968. Original publication.

Curtis, Fred. "Ivy-Covered Exploitation." Re/Presenting Class: Essays in Postmodern Marxism. Eds. J. K. Gibson-Graham, Stephen Resnick, and Richard D. Wolff. Durham: Duke U P, 2001. 81-104.

Curtis, Olin Alfred. The Radical Theory of Man's Redemption: a Lecture Delivered by Professor Olin Alfred Curtis before the Class in Systematic Theology, Tuesday, November 30, 1915, Drew Theological Seminary. Madison, NJ: The Eagle Press: 1915. Original.

Delson, Roberta Marx. "Military Engineering and the <<Colonial>> Project for Brazil: Agency and Dominance." Actas do Coloquio Internacional: Universo Urbanistico Portusues 1415-1822. Eds. Walter Rossa, Renata Araujo, and Helder Carita. Lisbon: Comissao Nacional Para as Comemaracoes dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 2001. 905-917. Photocopy. (Originally published in Leituras, 3, No. 6, 2000: 73-96.)

Dolan, Patrick O., Larry L. Jacoby, and Elizabeth J. Marsh. "Forms of Bias: Age-Related Differences in Memory and Cognition." Perspectives on Human Memory and Cognitive Aging: Essays in Honour of Fergus Craik. Eds. Moshe Naveh-Benjamin, Morris Moscovitch, and Henry L. Roediger, III. New York: Psychology Press, 2001. 240-52. Photocopy.

Dolan, Patrick O., David A. Balota and Janet M. Duchek. "Memory Changes in Healthy Older Adults." The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Eds. Endel Tulving and Fergus I.M. Craik. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000: p. 395-409. Photocopy.

Dolan, Patrick O. "Part-Set Cuing Effects in Younger and Older Adults," with Elizabeth J. Marsh, David A. Balota, and Henry L. Roediger III. Psychology and Aging , vol. 19, no. 1, 2004: p. 134-144.

Box 2


Earp, Edwin L. Die Relative Vollständigkeit und Hinlänglichkeit der Entwicklungs-Ethik der Christlichen Ethik. Leipzig: 1901.

Elkins, Heather Murray. "Altar-ing the World: Community-forming Word and Worship." Preaching in the Context of Worship. Eds. David M. Greenhaw and Ronald J. Allen. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2000. Photocopy.

Elkins, Heather Murray. "Christian Liturgy and Spirituality." Mysticism and Spirituality. Seoul, Korea: Kangnam University, Woowon Research Institute International Symposium, 2001. 13-26. Printed Copy from Personal Computer with Korean translation p. 9-23.

Elkins, Heather Murray. "Made in Whose Image? Christian Ethics and Biotechnology," in Life, Science, Justice. Seoul, Korea: Ewha Women University, Human Science Center, 2001. 62-66. Photocopy; article incomplete.

Estrin, Herman A. "Freshman English as Evaluated by Engineering Students." The New Jersey English Leaflet, vol.38, no.1, Fall 1965: p. 3-8. Original, bound in issue.

Farley, John J. and John S. Ramsdell. "The Kinetics of Lysis of EL-4 Tumor Cells by Sensitized Spleen Cells from Balb/c Mice." Bios, vol. 49, no. 1, March 1978: p. 18-25. Original reprint. Filed under Fac/Alum: Ramsdell, John. S.

Faulkner, John Alfred. "An American Doctor Looks at Luther." The Princeton Theological Review, vol. 26, no. 2, April 1928: p. 248-64. Reprint.

Faulkner, John Alfred. "Luther and Culture." American Society of Church History, vol. 8, 1928: p. 147-68. Reprint.

Faulkner, John Alfred. "Luther and Truth-Telling." Paper read at the American Society of Church History: Dec. 31, 1923.

Faulkner, John Alfred. "Professor Von Dobschütz on Slavery and Christianity." Lutheran Quarterly, July 1910: p. 1-10. Reprint.

Faulkner, John Alfred. "Wesley as a Churchman." American Society of Church History, vol. 8, 1897: p. 161-77.

Friedrichs, Robert W. "Interpretation of Black Aggression." The Yale Review, Spring 1968: p. 358-74. (2 Copies).

Friedrichs, Robert W. "Sociologist: Witness to Dialogue." The Drew Magazine, Fall 1969: p. 2-5.

Friedrichs, Robert W. "Why Black Aggression?" The Drew Magazine, Summer 1968: p. 2-5.

Funk, Robert. "Colloquium on Hermeneutics." Theology Today. October 1964.

Ginsberg, Allen, D. Boyer, et al. "Virtual Club Telecommunication Systems." Virtual Reality Technologies for Future Telecommunications Systems. Eds. Algirdas Pakštas and Ryoichi Komiya. Wiley, 2002: p. 15-29. Photocopy.

Ginsberg, Allen, D. Boyer, V. Goud, and M. Handel. "Presence Awareness for Future Telecommunication Systems." Virtual Reality Technologies for Future Telecommunications Systems. Eds. Algirdas Pakštas and Ryoichi Komiya. Wiley, 2002: p. 31-44. Photocopy.

Green, Wyman Reed. "Clarence Erwin McClung, Teacher and Searcher." Bios, undated: p. 342-71. Original, removed from issue.

Green, Wyman Reed. "The Present Status of the Theory of Organic Evolution: a Convocation Address in Commemoration of Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle. 9 pgs. Original typed MS.

Guy, Norman Milligan.The College and the Church. Mount Allison University, 1958.

Guy, Norman Milligan. "The Church, the College, and the Economic Crisis." Drew University Bulletin, Matriculation Day Number, 1933: p. 2-16. (2 Copies).

Guy, Norman Milligan. "The Consumers' Co-operative Movement." The Brothers College Alumnus, May, 1938: p. 85-101.

Guy, Norman Milligan. The Future of Brothers College As I See It: a Paper Presented before the Faculty of Brothers College September 11, 1936. Madison, NJ: Drew University, 1936. 2 copies.

Guy, Norman Milligan. "The Role of the Church in Economic Change (Inaugural Address)." Drew University Bulletin, vol. 27, no.3, April 1939: p. 3-16. (2 copies.)

Guy, Norman Milligan. Why I Observe the Lord's Day. Hamilton, Bermuda: Hamilton P, 1964.

Box 3


Harrington, Marshall C. Laboratory Manual in General Physics: Physics Department Course LC 80. Madison, NJ: Drew University, 1944.

Henry, Sara Lynn. "From Art to Corporation: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., and the Cultural Effects of Merger," in The Structure of International Publishing in the 1990s, Fred Kobrak and Beth Luey, eds., (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1992). Photocopy.

Henry, Sara Lynn. "From Art to Corporation: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., and the Cultural Effects of Merger," Book Research Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 4, Winter 1985-86. Photocopy.

Henry-Corrington, Sarah Lynn. As If Alive: Animate Sculpture. Orange, NJ: Harvard P, Inc., 2000. Original Exhibition Catalogue.

Herberg, Will. "Justice for Religious Schools." America: National Catholic Weekly Review. November 16, 1957.

Herberg, Will. "Looking Back on Vatican II." National Review, March 29, 1974: p. 366-68.

Herberg, Will. "The Postwar Revival of the Synagogue." Commentary, vol. 9, no. 4, April 1950: p. 315-25. Offprint, 2 copies.

Herberg, Will. "Religion in the U.S.—Where It's Headed: an Interview." U. S. News and World Report." June 4, 1973: p. 54-60.

Herberg, Will. "Religious Trends in American Jewry." Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, vol. 3, no. 3, Summer 1954: p. 229-40. Reprint. (2 copies).

Herberg, Will. "Religious Communities in Present-Day America." The Review of Politics, vol. 16, no. 2, April 1954: p. 155-74. Reprint. (2 copies.)

Herberg, Will. "The Sectarian Conflict over Church and State." Commentary, November 1952.

Herberg, Will. "The Tyrant Necessity." SR, February 4, 1967.

Holloway, Fred Garrigus. "The Uncommon Man." Reports and Abstract of Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Washington Association of New Jersey. Morristown, NJ: Conover, February 22, 1949: p. 15-19.

Hopper, Stanley Romaine. "The Awakening Religious Consciousness." Library Journal, vol. 76, no. 15. Sept. 1, 1951: p. 1289-92. Original, bound with cover.

Hopper, Stanley Romaine and Kenneth Burke. "Mysticism as a Solution to the Poet's Dilemma." Spiritual Problems in Contemporary Literature: a Series of Addresses and Discussions. Ed. Stanley Romaine Hopper. New York: The institute for Religious and Social Studies (Harper & Brothers), Undated: p. 95-115.

Hopper, Stanley Romaine. "The Techniques of Criticism" (an abstract of a paper on the same prepared and read for the Browning Society on the evening of October 22, 1935.

Hopper, Stanley Romaine. "Whitehead: Redevivus? Or Absconditus?" America and the Future of Theology. Ed. William A. Beardslee. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1967: p. 112-26.

Hough, Lynn Harold. "A Commanding Word to a Bewildered Age." Drew University Bulletin, Special Series, Oct. 1940.

Hough, Lynn Harold. "A New Revival of Learning." Drew University Bulletin, vol. 27, no.3, April 1939: p. 17-24. Original filed under "Guy, Norman."

Hough, Lynn Harold. "The Well Made Man." The Drew University Bulletin, vol. 26, no. 3, April 1938: 21-29. Bound in Issue. (Filled under Stafford, G. W.)

Hough, Lynn Harold.Why I Am a Protestant. New York: National Council of Churches of Christ, 1957.

Jensen, Philip K. "Role of Blind Alleys in Latent Learning." Journal of Experimental Psychology, vol. 88, no. 1, 1971: p. 133-36. Photocopy of offprint.

Jones, Arthur E., Jr. "Treasure Hunting in the McClintock Collection." Times of Change, Times of Stress in Book History. Robert Darton, and Arthur E. Jones. Madison, NJ: The Graduate School of Drew University, 1981: p. 15-21. (2 Copies).

Jones, F. Taylor. "Progress Toward a General Curriculum at Brother's College. The Journal of General Education, vol. 2, no. 3, April 1948: p. 259-61. Reprint.

Jones, Francis P. "Church Life in Today's China." The Christian Century. May 22, 1957. Keller, Catherine. "Nelle Morton: 'Hearing to Speech'." Christian Century, February 7-14, 1990: p. 127, 148.

Killian, Caitlin. "Culture on the Weekend: Maghrebin Women's Adaptation in France." Culture and Inequality: International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Ed. T. J. Dowd. vol. 22, no. 3, 2002: p. 75-105. Photocopy of publication.

Knox, John, Jr. "The Problems of Perception." The Personalist, vol.50, no.2, Spring 1969: p. 254-67. Reprint.

Lakin, Jessica L. "The Chameleon Effect as Social Glue: Evidence for the Evolutionary Significance of Nonconscious Mimicry." Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, vol. 27, no. 3, Fall 2003: p. 145-162.

Lakin, Jessica L. "Using Nonconscious Behavioral Mimicry to Create Affiliation and Rapport." Psychological Science, vol. 14, no. 4, July 2003: p. 334-339.

Lawson, O. Gerald. A Selected List of Reference Books in Drew University Library. Madison, NJ: Drew University Library, 1936. 2 Copies.

Box 4


Ledeen, Lydia . "Marie Grandval (1830-1907)," in Women Composers: Music Through the Ages, vol.7, ed. Sylvia Glickman and Martha Furman Schleifer. New Haven , CT : G. K. Hall & Co., 2003.

Lee, Alfred McClung. "Humanist Strength: Reality." The Humanist, January / February 1980: p. 5-13, 48.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. and Louise Allison Cort. "[article in Chinese]" 2000: p. 106-192.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. and Louise Allison Cort. "An Approach to the Study of Contemporary Earthenware Technology in Mainland Southeast Asia." Journal of Siam Society, vol. 88, no. 1 & 2, 2000: p. 204-11. Offprint.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Buddhist Action: Lay Women and Thai Monks." Women's Buddhism, Buddhism's Women: Tradition,Revision, Renewal. Ellison Banks Findly, ed. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2000: p. 63-79.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Clothing the Serpent: Transformation on the Naak in Thai-Loa Theravada Buddhism." The Transformative Power of Cloth in Southeast Asia. Lynne Milgram and Penny Van Esterik, eds. Canadian Asian Studies Association, undated. 19-37.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "The Cultures of Boxes: Information Flow and Social Organization Among the Northeast Thai and Lao." p. 59-68.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Cut and Sewn: The Textiles of Social Organization in Thailand." Dress and Gender: Making and Meaning in Cultural Contexts. Ruth Barnes and J. B. Eicher, eds. New York: Berg, 1992: p. 44-55.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Eastern T'ai Textiles: A Comparison with the Textiles of Thailand and Laos." National Museum Volunteers Newsletter, August 1991: p. 16-23.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. and Louise Allison Cort. "Khmer Earthenware in Mainland Southeast Asia: An Approach through Production." Udaya Journal of Khmer Studies, no. 1, April 2000: p. 48-68.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "The King as Gods: Textiles in the Thai State." Textiles as Primary Sources: Proceedings of the First Symposium of the Textile Society of America. Minneapolis: Minneapolis Art Institute, 1989. Computer printout.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "The Power of Women's Decisions: Textiles in Tai Dam and Thai-Lao Theravada Buddhist Funerals." Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, vol. 21, no. 2, 1993: p. 111-29.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Review Article: Southeast Asian Textiles: New Research and Writing." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, vol. 23, no. 2, 1992: p. 405-17.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Tai Textiles in Vietnam: Three Landscapes." Asian Art and Culture, vol. 7, no. 1, 1994: p. 63-76.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "The T'ai Textile Project." Journal of Srinaicharinwirt University, Mahasaraicham, vol. 9, no. 1, 1990: p. 56-61.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Textiles and Cultural Meanings: The Bouyei, Kam Zhuang of China and Thai and Lao of Southeast Asia." Ethnic Studies in Guizhou, vol. 48, no. 4, October 1981: p. 98-107.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. and Mattiebelle Gitttinger. Textiles and Tai Experience in Southeast Asia. Washington, D.C.: The Textile Museum, 1992. Photocopy of title pg and table of contents only.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Textiles, Buddhism, and Society." Paper presented at Wener-Gren Foundation For Anthropological Research: an International Symposium. 1983.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Textile Exchange in T'ai Societies." Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Thai Studies. Hunedy, China. 1990. Photocopy.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Women's Textiles & Men's Crafts in Thai Culture." Festival of American Life. Smithsonian Institute, 1994: p. 43-46.

Lewis, Edwin. "The Day of Pentecost." Tidings, vol. 6, no. 3, Apr.-June 1944: p. 37-40.

Lewis, Edwin. "The Doctrinal Statements of the Methodist Church." Typed Copy, bound. Undated. Received March 15, 1944.

Lewis, Edwin. "Free, Felt, and Full." Tidings, vol. 5, no. 3, April-June 1943: p. 25-29. Original, bound with issue.

Mace, David R. For Those Who Wear the Altar-Halter. New York: Women's Home Companion, Undated.

Mace, David R. "Family Life in Britain Since the First World War." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 272, November 1950: p. 179-84. Original with title pg.

Mace, Dave R. "He Loves Me Too Much." Women's Home Companion, November 1953: p. 25, 59, 64.

Mace, David R. "Sex Education is not Enough." Reprinted from Woman's Home Companion, 1949.

Mace, David R. That Dear Octopus: The Family. New York: Child Study Association of America, 1950.

Madden, Kathleen M., and Aimee S. A. Johnson. "Renewal Systems, Sharp-Eyed Snakes, and Shifts of Finite Type." The Mathematical Association of America Monthly, no. 109, March 2002: p. 258-272. Photocopy of Original.

Madden, Kathleen M. "A Single Nonexpansive, Nonperiodic Rational Directio,." Complex Systems, no. 12, 2000: p. 253-260. Offprint.

Madden, Kathleen. "The Symbolic Dynamics of Multidimensional Tiling Systems." Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems , vol. 23, 2003: p. 447-460.

Maduro, Otto. "Globalization, Social Policy, and Christianity at the Dawn of a New Millennium: Some Reflections from a Latin American Emigrant Perspective." Religion and Social Policy. Ed. Paula D. Nesbitt. Walnut Creek, Calif.: Alta Mira Press, 2001. 3-14. Photocopy.

Magnell, Thomas. Çagdas Üngör, "Danger at the Doorstep," TurkishTime , September 15- October 20, 2003 (interview).

Magnell, Thomas. "Foreword," Journal of Value Inquiry , special issue, Principles of Ethics 100 Years after Principia Ethica, Susan Dimock, guest ed., vol. 37, 2003: p. 297-300.

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Malicky, Neal. "Turn On, Tune In, or Cut Out." Baker World, November 1969: p. 2-4, 22.

McClintock, James A. "A Christian College's Responsibility." The Christian Student, vol. 36, no. 1, February 1935: p. 19-22. Bound Original.

McClintock, James A. "The Pragmatic Spirit in American and English Theism." Religion in Life. The Abingdon Press, 1935: p. 588-98. Bound Offprint.

McIntyre, Michael, Doug Hostetter. "The Politics of Clarity." The Christian Century. September 18, 1974: p. 845-50.

McKenna, Bernard. "Robert Hogan and the Proscenium Press: An Irish Literary Legacy." Collections , vol. 11, 2003: p. 65-82.

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Michalson, Carl. "Fifty Years of Theology in Retrospect: An Evaluation." Reprinted from an unspecified Japanese Journal with English Summary. Undated.

Michalson, Carl. "The Ghost of Logical Positivism." The Christian Scholar, vol. 43, Fall 1960: p. 223-30.

Michalson, Carl. "History and Hermeneutics." Christian Advocate, vol. 6, no. 20, Sept. 27, 1962: without pagination. 2 pgs. Photocopy.

Michalson, Carl. "The Holy Spirit and the Church." Theology Today, vol. 8, no. 1, April 1951: p. 41-54. Original with title pg.

Michalson, Carl. "New Testament Teaching for Modern Living." Christian Action, vol. 10, no. 4, Oct.-Dec. 1955: p. 2-48. Original. 2 copies.

Miller, James M. and Gregory V. Nelson. "Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory Techniques (Film Review)" Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 48, no. 3, March 1971: p. 209, A192.

Mills, James W., Kenneth L. Duchin, and Yoon S. Lee. "Quenching of I2 Vapor Florescence Excited with He-Ne Laser Light." Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 50, no. 12, December 1973: p. 858-61.

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Muccigrosso, John D. "The Brindisi Elogium and the Rejected Lectio Senatus of Appius Claudius Caecus." Histori, vol. 52 no. 4, 2003: p. 496-501.

Morton, Nelle K. "Speculations on the Role of Women in Biblical Perspective." Christian Ministry, May 1971: p. 23-26.

Morton, Nelle K. "Women's Liberation and the Church." Drew University Magazine, Winter 1970: p. 14-16.

Box 5


Newlin, Dika. "Discs of Distinction" (Reviews of Masterpieces of Music before 1750 and L'Anthologie Sonore). Pan Pipes of Sigma Alpha Iota, vol. 47, no. 3, March 1955: p. 14. Original, bound with issue.

Newlin, Dika. "Discs of Distinction" (Reviews of Modests Moussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition and Brahms:Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 77). Pan Pipes of Sigma Alpha Iota, vol. 47, no. 4, May 1955: p. 38. Original, bound with issue.

Newlin, Dika. "Some Tonal Aspects of Twelve-Tone Music." American Music Teacher, vol. 3, no.2, November/December 1953: 2-3. Original bound in issue.

Oden, Thomas C. "Requiem: a Lament in Three Movements." April 23, 1994. Typed MS. 60 pgs.

Ortúzar-Young, Ada. "Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)." Modern Spanish Dramatists: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook. Ed. Mary Parker. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2002: p. 212-25. Photocopy.

Ortúzar-Young, Ada . "Revisión de la relación madre hija en Almudena Grandes,"in Rebeldia, denuncia y justicia social: voces enérgicas de autoras hispanoamericanas y españolas , ed. Clementia R. Adams. Miami : Ediciones Universal, 2004: p. 157-166.

Peek, Philip M. and Martha G. Anderson. "Exhibition Preview: Ways of the Rivers: Arts and Environment of the Niger Delta." African Arts Magazine, vol. 35, no. 1, Spring 2002: p.12-25, 93. Photocopy. Missing p. 93, (references).

Phillips, Joy Burcham and Leida Klaar Piip. "A Sytochemical Study of Pituitary Gland of the 1- to 15-day-old Rats Utilizing the Aldehyde-Fuchsin Staining Technique." The Anatomical Record, vol. 129, no. 4, December 1957: p. 415-32.

Powell, Luther P. "Religious Separation of Church and State." The Drew Gateway, 1953: p. 9-24.

Prozperzio, Paul J. "Rhodian Colonization in Iberia: the Colony Rhode and the Townlet Rhodos. Antipolis, vol. 1, no. 2, 1975: p. 82-96. Original, bound with issue.

Ramsdell, John S. and John J. Farley. "The Kinetics of Lysis of EL-4 Tumor Cells by Sensitized Spleen Cells from Balb/c Mice." Bios, vol. 49, no. 1, March 1978: p. 18-25. Original reprint.

Reader, Jonathan W. "From Art to Corporation: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., and the Cultural Effects of Merger," in The Structure of International Publishing in the 1990s, Fred Kobrak and Beth Luey, eds., (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1992). Photocopy.

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Reeves, John A. "Soccer Activities for Small Groups." Athletic Journal, vol. 54, no. 10, June 1974: p. 8-9, 49.

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Riemer, Neal. "The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientific Natualism and the Problem of Value (Book Review)." Political Theory, August 1974: p. 351-54.

Riemer, Neal. "Games Politicians Play." 12-19.

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Riemer, Neal. "Watergate and Prophetic Politics." The Review of Politics, vol. 36, no. 2, April 1974: p. 284-97. Reprint. 2 copies.

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Rogers, Robert William. Two Texts of Esarhaddon (King of Assyria 681-668 B.C.). Cambridge: C. J. Clay, M.A. and Sons, at the University Press, 1889. (Abstract from Haverford College Studies, no. 2.) Original reprint.

Rogers, Robert William. Unpublished Inscriptions of Esarhaddon: in Autograph Facsimile with Transliteration and Translation. Cambridge: C. J. Clay, M.A. and Sons, at the University Press, 1891.

Rosan, Alan. "Organic Chemistry. A Brief Survey of Concepts and Applications, 6th Edition" (book review). Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 78, no. 7, July 2001: p. 881. Photocopy.

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Salathe, Karl M. "Drew Goes to Market — But Not to Sell Soap." p. 14-17.

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Seymour, Harold. "How Baseball Began." The New-York Historical Society Quarterly, vol. 40, no. 4, October 1956: p. 369-86. Original bound in issue.

Box 6


Shippey, Frederick A. "Are We Innocently Unaware?" The Christian Home, vol. 24, no. 6, February 1965: p. 2-4.

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Shippey, Frederick A. "Clique Structures in Religious Youth Groups." Sociology and Social Research, vol. 54, no. 3, April 1970: p.371-77. Reprint, 2 Copies.

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Shippey, Frederick A. "Recherches de soliologie de la religion aux Estats-Unis." Foi et Vie, vol. 60, no. 3, Juillet-Aout 1961: p. 38-42. Original bound in issue.

Shippey, Frederick A. "The Three-Day Workweek Confront Church Leaders." Church Administration. September 1965: p. 12-14. Bound in Issue.

Shippey, Frederick A. "The Variety of City Churches." Review of Religious Research, vol. 2, no. 1, Summer 1960: p. 8-19. Bound in Issue. 2 Copies.

Siebert, Donald R., Gary A. West, and Joseph J. Barrett. "Gaseous Trace Analysis Using Pulsed Photoacoustic Raman Spectroscopy." Applied Optics, vol. 19, no., January 1, 1980: p. 53-60.

Singh, Joel and Carl Jervis. Twelve Things: My Decision for Christ. Hissar: Crusade for Christ—India, Undated.

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Slochower, Harry. "Ernst Cassirer's Functional Approach to Art and Literature." Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer. 1949: p. 633-59. Reprint.

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Smith, Morton. "Pauline Problems: Apropos of J. Munck 'Paulus und die Keilsgeschichte.'" The Harvard Theological Review, vol. 50, no. 2, April 1957: p. 108-31. Bound original reprint.

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Smith, Robert G. "Metropolitan Public Authorities." Metropolitan Problems. Madison, NJ: Drew University, 1963. Reprinted 1966: p. 33-42.

Snelson, Pamela and S. Anita Talar. "Content Analysis of ACRL Conference Papers." College & Research Libraries, September 1991: p. 466-72. Reprint.

Snelson, Pamela. "Mircocomputers in an Academic Setting: The Computer Initiative at Drew University." Library Hi Tech, vol. 2, no. 3, 1994: p. 73-78. Bound in Issue.

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Stafford, Geo. W. "The Golden Age—Is It Getting Nearer?" World Affairs Interpreter, vol. 6, no.2, Summer 1935: p. 125-39. Bound in Issue.

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Stonesifer, Richard J. "TV Form and TV Sense." Television Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 2, Spring 1965: p. 19-27. Reprint.

Strong, James. "Affinity of the Hebrew and Greek Languages." Methodist Quarterly Review, vol. 47, no. 17, July 1865: p. 430-44.

Strong, James. Strong's Epitome of Greek Grammar. Missing Title Page.

Box 7


Sugerman, Shirley. "Sin and Madness: Narcissus Reconsidered." Language and Style, vol. 10, no. 4, Fall 1977: p. 285-95. Original bound in issue.

Sweet, Leonard I. "The Ministry of 'Dedicated Servers'" (forward). Equipping the Saints: Mobilizing Laity for Ministry. Eds. Michael J. Christensen and Carl E Savage. Nashville: Abingdon, 2000: p. 7-10. Photocopy.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey City Jazz Liturgy: an Original Setting for Choir, Improvising Musicians and Congregational Participation." Jersey City, NJ: Grace Enterprises, 1980. Photocopy. 16 pgs. Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy: Agnus Dei: Trombone." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pg.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy:Agnus Dei: Trumpet in C." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pg.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy:Gloria: Trumpet in C." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 8 Pgs.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy:Nunc Dimittis: Trombone." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 3 Pgs.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy:Nunc Dimittis: Trumpet in C." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pgs.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Mass:Agnus Dei." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pg.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Mass:Gloria." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 8 Pgs.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Mass:Nunc Dimittis." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 3 Pgs.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Mass:Sanctus." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 5 Pgs.

Talbert, Bruce. " Kyrie: Trumpet in C." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pg. 2 copies.

Tipple, Ezra Squier. "The Making of the Modern Minister: Inaugural Address." Madison, NJ: Drew University, Oct. 24, 1912.

Tipple, Ezra Squier. "The Minister of God: an Address by the Reverend Ezra Squire Tipple, Ph.D., D.D. at His Installation as Practical Theology Professor in the Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey: Founder's Day, October 11, 1905." New York: Eaton & Mains, 1905.

Tipple, Ezra Squier. "A Memory—A Tribute." An address on the Wendell Family "to friends and employees of the Kress store...." October 26, 1935. With accompanying booklet,Old New York. Both in original mailing envelop. Originals.

Tittman, Jay and Charles Sheer. "Boron Carbide Bricks for Neutron Absorption." The Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 22, no. 11, November 1951: p. 837-38. Bound Offprint.

Tittman, Jay and Charles Sheer. "The Energy Dependence of the Resonant Scattering of Slow Neutrons from Gold: A Dissertation." The Physical Review, vol. 83, no. 4, August 15, 1951: p. 746-56. Bound reprint.

Tittman, Jay, C. Sheer, J. Rainwater, and W. W. Havens, Jr. "The Slow Neutron Resonant Scattering of Gold." The Physical Review, vol. 80, no. 5, December 1, 1950: p. 903. Bound reprint.

Toombs, Lawrence E. and James F. Ross. "Three Campaigns at Biblical Shechem." Archaeology, vol. 14, no. 3, September 1961: p. 171-180. Bound in Issue.

Toombs, Lawrence E. and G. Ernest Wright. "The Third Campaign at Balâtah (Shechem)." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. 161, February 1961: p. 11-54. Reprint.

Tuthill, Samuel J., Lee Clayton, and G. G. Thompson. "Microlithology of a Section in Upper Glacial Lake Agassiz Sediments at Grand Forks, North Dakota. Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 16, 1962: p. 50-57. Reprint.

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Tuthill, Samuel J. "Preliminary Report on the Molluscan Fauna of the Martin River Glacier and Associated Area (South-Central Alaska)." The Veliger, vol. 6, no. 2, October 1, 1963: p. 84-90. Reprint.

Ueland, Carol and Olga Bakich. "The Eastern Path of Exile: Russian Women's Writing in China." A History of Women's Writing in Russia. Eds. Adele Marie Barker and Jehanne M. Gheith. Cambridge UP, 2002: p.153-74. Photocopy.

Box 8


Walker, Richard L. "Allied Unity in the Pacific." The New Leader, vol. 36, no. 7, February 16, 1953: p. 9-10. Original, bound with issue.

Walker, Richard L. "Communism: The New Imperialism." Institute of Social Studies, vol. 1, no. 4, January, 1952: p. 37, 45. Original, bound with issue.

Walker, Richard L. "Communist China Looks at the United States." The Yale Review, vol. 41, no. 1, September 1951: p. 25-43. Original, bound with issue. Also typed copy, 12 pgs.

Walker, Richard L. "How to Misunderstand China." The Yale Review, vol. 40, no. 3, Spring 1951: p. 537-41. Reprint, 4 pgs.

Walker, Richard L. "Truce or Peace in Korea?" The New Leader, vol. 36, no. 5, February 2, 1953: p. 16-18. Original, bound with issue.

Walker, Richard L. "Will We Ever Have a China Policy?" The New Leader, vol.36, no. 33, August 17, 1953: p. 9-10. Original, bound with issue.

Welles, Timothy W. "Eclectic Psychotherapy." New Jersey Psychologist, vol. 32, no. 2, Spring 1982: p. 9-11. Original, bound with issue.

West, Traci C. "The Policing of Poor Black Women's Sexual Reproduction." God Forbid: Religion and Sex in American Life. Ed. Kathleen M. Sands. Oxford: Oxford U P, 2000: p. 135-51.

Williams, Colin W. "Evangelism and the Congregation." The Ecumenical Review, Vol. 16, no. 2, January 1964: 7 pgs. Cover labeled Resources for Renewal 3.

Withey, Raymond A., Jr. "A Time for Greatness." Drew University Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 2, Sept. 1950: p. 3-13. Reprint.

Woolley, Grange. "Pablo de Saraste: His Historical Significance." Music and Letters, May 1955: p. 237-252.

Zuck, Robert K. "Alteration of Generations and the Mode of Nutrition." Drew University Studies No. 6, September 1953. Cross Listed as Drew University Bulletin, vol. 41, no. 3. Reprinted 1964. Original.

Zuck, Robert K. "Claudopus Variabilis on Gray Duck from Shaded Aerial Exposure in Panama." Mycologia, vol. 38, no. 6, November-December 1946: p. 677-78. Offprint.

Zuck, Robert K. "The Great Swamp of New Jersey." The Garden Journal, September-October 1963: p. 169-73. Original Offprint.

Zuck, Robert K. "Effects of Fluorescein and Photosensin of Growth of Red Kidney Beans." The Botanical Gazette, vol. 106, no. 1, September 1944: p. 124-29. Original reprint for private circulation.

Zuck, Robert K. "Isolates Intermediate Between Stachybotrys and Memnoniella." Mycologia, vol. 38, no. 1, January-February 1946: p. 69-76. Offprint.

Zuck, Robert K. "Molecular Botany: A New Anti-Intellectualism?" BioScience, February 1964: p. 13-14. Original Offprint.

Zuck, Robert K. "On Fungal Damage to Sun-Exposed Cotton Duck." American Journal of Botany, vol.33, no. 5, May 1946: p. 374-82. Original reprint from publisher.

Zuck, Robert K. Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation. "Planting a Seed of Wildness." The Inch, vol. 20, no. 3, Fall 1970: p. 2-5. Original, bound in issue.

Zuck, Robert K. "The Scientific Value of the Conservation of Vegetation in New Jersey." New Jersey Nature News, vol. 21, no. 2, June 1966: p. 76-81. Original, bound with issue. Also in file, offprint without illustrations, 4 pgs.

Zuck, Robert K. "Simplified Permanent Aceto-Carmine Smears with a Water-Miscible Mountant." Stain Technology, vol. 22, no. 3, July 1947: p. 109-10. Offprint.

Zuck, Robert K. "Trichomanes Boschianum Sturm in East Tennessee." American Fern Journal, vol. 29, no. 3, July-September 1939: p. 114-15. Offprint.

Last updated 9/29/06 by Jennifer Heise: Cheryl Oestreicher;