Will Herberg Papers Finding Aid - University Library - Drew University Archives


in the Drew University Library

Compiled by Janice Frederick, James Gilman, Charles J. Lopez Jr., and Harvey Nelson under the editorship of Donald M. Vorp

Drew University
Madison, New Jersey
June 16, 1978

With addition of September 1983. p.10

Note: This document was scanned using Optical Character Recognition. Formatted by Cheryl Oestreicher in 2006. please notify the Drew University Archives of any errors.



The papers and books of Will Herberg (1902-1977), Andrew W. Stout Professor of Philosophy and Culture at Drew University, were presented to the University Library in 1976. These materials were organized in 1976-78 and that organization forms the basis for this guide. It provides an outline arrangement of Herberg's personal papers and an alphabetical author-title listing of annotated books and pamphlets from his private library. While a full calendar de­scription of the papers awaits additional work, such a guide may usefully assist scholars in the location of material.

The Herberg Collection, covering the period from 1929 to 1977, varies greatly in form and content. It includes articles, lectures, letters, notes, clippings, annotated texts and ranges widely over areas of social, political, historical, philosophical, and theological con­cern. Aspects of Herberg's association with Marxism, his involvement with labor, his re-discovery of Judaism, and his role as a discerning interpreter of religion and culture are all represented within the col­lection. Something of the highly complex vision which characterizes the Herberg biography is likewise disclosed, along with a continuing sense of the extraordinary intensity of his teaching presence and his impressive hold on synthetic analysis.

In organizing the collection, the University Library has sought, wherever possible, to preserve the working order in which Herberg had many of his papers. Particular categories within the broad sub­ject headings of "Lecture", "Notes", and "Public Lectures" are in-variably his own. This means, for example, that a public lecture titled "Judaism, Economics, and Social Action" will not be found un­der the heading, "Public Lecture (by Title)". It can, however, be located in the organizational context in which Herberg had placed it: in a folder of public lecture materials which he had marked "Re­ligicn and the Issues of Contemporary Life and Culture" and which is found here under the heading, "Public Lecture (by Subject)". This is perhaps enough to suggest that some attention to Herberg's cate­gories will itself assist the user in locating specific material.

Those interested in the Herberg documents may wish to be aware of other possible points of entry. Additional Herberg letters may well survive in the extensive network of contacts he had with contemporaries such as Jay Lovestone, Sidney Hook, Gerson Cohen, Lewis Feuer, and others. Relationships between Herberg and others within Local 22 of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union may also merit some attention. Extensive work on Herberg presumably cannot be done without reference, as well, to the specialized re-sources of the Tamiment Library at New York University, the archives of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, the New York Public Library, and the library of Jewish Theological Seminary. All of these centers are especially important for placing him in relation to Marxism, labor and Judaism.

Particular attention should be called to the work done thus far on the Herberg bibliography. This work at Drew extends over several years and includes, in addition to my own contribution, the efforts especially of Professor Donald G. Jones, Lawrence D. McIn­tosh, and Francine Quaglio. Rabbi Hershel Matt, long-time friend of Will Herberg, has also provided important bibliographical data, in addition to making his own collection of Herberg materials available through photocopy. Through the courtesy of Professor Jones, the excellent bibliographical work of Douglas Webb is likewise now accessible.

This guide is very much a cooperative project and it is a pleasure to acknowledge and thank my colleagues, Janice Frederick, James Gilman, Charles J. Lopez Jr., and Harvey Nelson for their con­sistently careful work.

Donald N. Vorp

Drew University June 16, 1978


I. Articles
  A. Annotated
    1 1935-1945
    2 1946-1952
    3 1953-1966
    4 1967-1971
    5 1972-1975
  B. Published
    6 -1946
    7 1947-1951
    8 1952-1954
    9 1955-1957
    10 1958-1960
    11 1961-1964
    12 1965-1970
    13 1971-1973
  C. Unpublished
    14.1 Articles. Unpublished
    14.2 Articles. Unpublished
II. Bibliographies
    15 Bibliographies by Herberg
    16 Bibliographies of Herberg's Writings
III. Biography
    17 Biography
IV. Book Reviews
  A. By Herberg
  B. About Herberg
    18 1930-1954
    19 1955-1975
    20.1 About Herberg
    20.2 About Herberg
V. Class Records
    21 Class Records
VI. Correspondence
    22 1929-1944
    23 1945-1959
    24 1960-1970
    25 1971-1973
    26 1974-1977
    27 1947-1974, To Hershel and Gustine Matt
    28 1948-1952, Publication Interests
VII. Course Outlines
    29 -1968
    30 1969-1975
VIII. Financial Records
    31 1935-1949
    32 1950-1969
IX. Journal
    33 Journal
X. Lecture, Seminar, Tutorial Materials
    34.1 American Labor and Unions
    34.2 American Labor and Unions
    35.1 American Socialist Political Theory
    35.2 American Socialist Political Theory
    36 Authority and Power
    37.1 Basic Theories of Medieval Thought: Basic Themes
    37.2 Basic Theories of Medieval Thought: Basic Themes
    38 Being and Doing (Summer Session, University of Southern California, 1969)
    39 Central Problems of Socialism, 1939; Critical Problems of Marxism, 1940.
    40 Christianity, Buddhism and Existentialism
    41 Christianity, Totalitarianism and Democracy
    42 Church and State in Education
    42A.1 Church and State
    42A.2 Church and State
    42A.3 Church and State
    43 The Church and the World (General Theological Seminary)
    44 Concept of Progress
    45 Conservatism and Freedom in the American Tradition (Mid-western I5I Institute, 1971)
    46 Contemporary Philosophy and Depth Psychology
    47 Depth Psychology and Religion
    48 Dimensions of Political Philosophy (Ethics and Poli­tics)
    49 Eschatology and History
    50 The Fabric of a Free Society (Eastern ISI Institute, 1971)
    51 Faith, History and Self-understanding: Meaning and Redemption in History.
    52 Fascism and America
    53 Fascism and Communism
    54 German Idealism
    55 Hermeneutics
    56 Images of Man in Contemporary Western Thought (Saint Peter's College)
    57 The Inner Crisis of Religion in Three-Faith America
    58 Introduction to Islamic Studies
    59 Introduction to Metaphysics
    60 Introduction to Moral Philosophy
    61 Liberalism and Conservatism (Eastern ISI Institute, 1970)
    62 The Limits of Politics
    63 Main Phases in the History of Western Philosophy
    64 Major Aspects of the Thinking of Ludwig Wittgenstein
    65 Modern Man in a Metaphysical Wasteland
    66 The Negro and Education
    67 The New Left
    68 New Problems of Soviet Dictatorship, 1937; Soviet Dictatorship: Some Problems and Conclusions, 1938
    69 Ontology and Ethics
    70 Other Voices in Christian Ethics
    71 Phenomenology
    72 Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Depth Psychology
    73 Philosophical Analysis and Theological Understanding
    74 Philosophies of History: Augustine to Toynbee
    75 Philosophy and Theology: Eight Types of Encounter
    76 Philosophy and Theology: Six Types of Encounter
    77 Philosophy in Crisis
    78 The Problem of History
    79 Problems of Jewish Self-Affirmation
    80 Religion and Behavioral Sciences
    81 Religion and Politics
    82.1 Religion in America
    82.2 Religion in America
    82.3 Religion in America
    82.4 Religion in America
    83 Scholasticism, Mysticism, and Existentialism in Jewish Religious Thought
    84 Science, Art, and Religion: A Philosophic Critique (New School)
    85 Six Types of Christian Ethics
    86 Social Philosophies (Saint Peter's College)
    87 The Social Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville
    88 Studies in Chinese Philosophy: Confucianism
    89 Studies in Enlightenment Thought
    90 Studies in Indian Philosophy
    91 Studies in Mysticism
    92 Studies in the Language of the Christian Faith
    93 The Thought of Arthur Schopenhauer
    94 The Thought of Ernst Cassirer
    95 The Thought of Friedrich Nietzsche
    96.1 The Thought of Karl Marx
    96.2 The Thought of Karl Marx
    97.1 The Thought of Sigmund Freud
    97.2 The Thought of Sigmund Freud
    98 Three Types of Thought and Language
    99 Twentieth—Century Philosophies (New School)
    100 Two Ways of Faith: Biblical Religion and Buddhism
    101 Types of Dialogical Theology
XI. Notes
    102 American Christianity 103.1
    103.1 America's Negro Problem
    103.2 America's Negro Problem
    104 Augustine
    105 Barth, Karl
    106 Berdyaev, Nicolas
    107 Brunner, Emil
    108 Buber, Martin
    109 Bultmann, Rudolf
    110.1 Burke, Edmund
    110.2 Burke, Edmund
    111 Catholicism
    112.1 Chinese Studies
    112.2 Chinese Studies
    113 Church and State
    114 Communism
    115 Communism, Soviet
    116 Comte, Auguste
    117 Cullmann, Oscar
    118 Dewey, John
    119 Directions in Protestant Theology
    120 Ebner, Ferdinand
    121 English Empiricists: 18th Century, Locke, Berkeley, Hume
    122 Faith
    122A French Revolution – Napoleon
    123.1 Freud and Psychoanalysis
    123.2 Freud and Psychoanalysis
    123A.1 Greek and Jewish Society
    124 Greeley, Andrew M.
    125 Hegel, Georg W. F.
    126 Heidegger, Martin
    127 History
    128 The Individual and Mass Society
    129 Intellectuals
    130 Jaspers, Karl
    131.1 Judaism
    131.2 Judaism
    131.3 Judaism
    132 Kafka, Franz
    133 Kant, Immanuel
    134 Kierkegaard, S?ren
    135 Language
    136 Logical Positivism, Linguistic Analysis, and Meta-physics
    137 Luxemberg, Rosa
    138 Machiavelli, Niccolo
    139 Marcuse, Herbert
    140 Maritain, Jacques
    141.1 Marxism (1931-1934)
    141.2 Marxism (1935-1940)
    141.3 Marxism
    141.4 Marxism
    142 Marxism and Communism
    143 Marxism and Labor in the U. S. A.
    144 Marxism and Political Thought
    145 Marxism and War
    146 Mass Society
    147.1 Medieval Studies
    147.2 Medieval Studies
    148 Miscellaneous Notes
    149 Modes of Theologizing
    150 Myth and Mythmaking
    150A New Testament Times
    151 Niebuhr, H. Richard
    152.1 Niebuhr, Reinhold (1935-1949)
    152.2 Niebuhr, Reinhold (1950-1965)
    152.3 Niebuhr, Reinhold
    152A.1 Pagan Empire – Constantine, Augustine, Ambrose
    153 Papal Social Encyclicals
    154 Philosophy and Metaphysics
    155 Philosophy, Politics, and Ideology
    156 The Problem of Religious Liberty 157.1 Protestantism
    157.1 Protestantism
    157.2 Protestantism
    158 Psychology: Adler, Jung, Rank
    159 Reading Notes From Herberg's Marxist Period
    160 Reformation and Reformers: Luther/Calvin
    161.1 Religion in America
    161.2 Religion in America
    162 Rosenzweig, Franz
    163 Rousseau, Jean Jacques
    164 Russell, Bertrand
    165 Sartre, Jean-Paul
    166 Structuralism
    167 A Theological Note on Art
    168.1 Thomas Aquinas and Medieval Thought
    168.2 Thomas Aquinas and Medieval Thought
    169 Tillich, Paul
    170 Toynbee, Arnold
    171 Troeltsch, Ernst
    172 Two Orders: Nature and Spirit
    173 Urban-Suburban Realities
    174 Vatican II
    175 Vico, Giambattista
    176 Whitehead, Alfred North
    177 World at War
    178 Young Americans for Freedom, University Research Committee
    179 Zen Buddhism
XII. Photographs
    180 Photographs
XIII. Public Lectures (by Subject)
    181 Anxiety, Faith...
  • Anxiety, Despair, & Faith: Beyond Despair
  • Anxiety, Faith, and the Courage to Be Psychiatry and Religion
  • Religion in Life: An Inquiry
  • Religion in Personality Development
  • Salvation without God
    182 Approaches to Religion
  • Approaches to Religion
  • The Biblical-Existential Approach to Religion
  • The Challenge and Decision of Faith
  • Faith and Existence
  • Frontiers of Thought: Religion & the Integration of Life
  • The Need for Religion
  • Present-day Alternatives to a Living Faith
  • Religion, Reality and Illusion
  • Sceptics Question Religion
  • Some Comments on Quaker Mysticism as a Doctrine of Certainty
  • What hope for the Wasteland: The Answer of Judaism
  • Why a Philosophy of Religion
  • Why Bother about Religion
    183 Biblical Theology
  • Biblical Faith and the Contemporary Mind
  • Biblical Faith and the Vocation of Man
  • The Biblical View of History
  • The Doctrine of Man in Current Religious Thought
  • Faith, History and the Drama of Redemption
  • Fundamental Positions of Biblical Faith
  • God and Man in the Old Testament
  • The God of the Bible and the Gods of Modern Man
  • The God of the Bible and the Gods of Modern Men
  • Hebraic Foundations of the Christian Faith
  • Introduction (The Scandal of Particularity)
  • Premarital Sexual Relations
  • Some Aspects of Nationalism in the Light of Bib­lical theology
  • Some Basic Features of New Testament Ethics
  • Some Basic Features of the Newer Protestant The­ology
  • The Strange New World of the Bible
  • Understanding the Bible
  • What is Man?
    184 Church - State: Outline
  • A Religion or Religion?
  • Religious Communities in Present-day America
    185 Communism, Democracy and Religion
  • The Challenge of Communism
  • Communism as Religion
  • Communism, Democracy and Religion
  • Faith, Totalitarianism, and Democracy
    186 The Death of God Theology
  • The Death of God Theology
  • The Problem of Faith in a Godless World
    187 Labor and Unionism
  • Attitudes to the Labor Movement
  • Bureaucracy and Democracy in Labor Unions
  • The Church and Organized Labor
  • Democracy in the Trade Union Movement
    Judaism, Labor and Social Justice
  • Labor Unionism in a Religious Perspective
  • Limited vs. Total Unionism
  • On the Possibility & Limits of Controversy
  • Organization, Power, and Justice
  • Problem of Leadership in a Needle Trades Union
  • Union Leaders in Psycho-Social Relation to their Membership
    188.1 Moral Crisis I
    188.2 Moral Crisis II
    189 Outlines (Public Lectures in Outline Form)
  • American Foreign Policy in the Present Crisis
  • Assimilation: Old and New
  • Attitudes to the Labor Movement
  • Behind the Iron Curtain
  • Capitalism and Socialism in Light of the Judeo—Christian Ethic
  • Civil Rights in Trade Unions
  • Communism and Judaism
  • Communists in the Educational System
  • Critique of Pacifism: Lecture
  • The End of a Schism: Socialism and Religion
  • For Dialectics and Doubletalk
  • Franz Rosenzweig: Pioneer of the "New Thinking" in Religion
  • From Communism to Judaism
  • Fundamental Problems of the Labor Movement Today
  • The Future of Jewish Culture in America
  • The Jew, the Land and the World
  • Jewish Existence and Survival: A Theological View
  • Jewish Religion as a Dynamic for Social Action
  • Jewish Religion in the Modern World
  • Labor and Politics in the Coming Period
  • Marxism and Judaism
  • The New Role of Religion in Contemporary Social Thinking
  • Personalism and Democracy
  • Personalism, Socialism and Democracy
  • Present Situation and Problems of the Labor Movement
  • Relevance of Religion to the Crisis of our Time
  • Religion and Ethics
  • Religious Foundations of Interfaith Work
  • Salvation
  • Some Comments on Faith and History by Reinhold Niebuhr
  • Statement of Will Herberg for Panel Discussion "Civil Rights in Trade Unions"
  • Towards a New Philosophy of Social Action
  • Trade Union Racketeering
  • Untitled Lecture on Frontier Fellowship (Madison, WI: April 6, 1951)
  • Untitled Lecture on Trade Unions (Cornell University: April 20, 1947)
  • What Can Judaism Do for Me?
  • What Does it Mean to be a Jew?
  • What I Owe Franz Rosenzweig
  • What Is This Religion of Ours?
  • What it Means to be a Jew
    190 The Proliferation of Knowledge and the Task of Theology
  • Faith and Secular Learning
  • The Proliferation of Knowledge and the Task of Theology
    191 Public Education
      Contents: Public Education and the Religious School in America Religious Conflict in America: Issues of Church and State
    192 Religion and Social Concern
  • Christian Faith and Totalitarian Rule
  • Religion and Social Concern
  • The Religious Dimension of Contemporary Social Concern
    193 Religion and the Issues of Contemporary Life and Culture
  • Judaism and Issues of Contemporary Life
  • Judaism and Race
  • Judaism and Religious Institutions
  • Judaism, Economics and Social Action
  • Judaism, Nationalism and World Community
  • Judaism, Sex and the Family
  • Religion and Art
  • Religion and Science
    194 Science - Philosophy
  • Modern Science and Religion
  • Relativism: Examination and Critique
  • The Relevance of Religion to the Social Sciences
  • Religion and the Social Sciences
  • Religious Presuppositions in Science
    195 Theology and Education
  • Biblical Faith and Liberal Education
  • Convocation Address, Ohio Wesleyan University, February 25, 1963
  • The Place of Religion in the University
  • Religion and Effective Teaching
  • Three Views of Man
  • Toward a Biblical Theology of Education
XIV. Public Lectures (by Title)
    196 American Civil Religion
    197 American Society and Education: Pluralism, Freedom, Totalitarianism (Calvin College)
    198 Assimilation: The Jew, the Land, and the World
    199 Athens and Jerusalem
    200 Biblical Faith and Man Made Religion
    201 Capitalism and Socialism in the Light of the Judeo-Christian Ethic
    202 China: Social, Economic and Political Surveys
    203 The Church under the Pressure of the World
    204 Communism vs. Judaism
    205 Conference of Jewish Relations: Tercentenary Con­ference on American Jewish Sociology
    206 The Council, the Ecumenical Movement, and the Prob­lem of Aggiornamento
    207 Foundation for Religious Action in the Social and Civil Order
    208 The Future of Conservatism in America
    209 The Integration of the Jew in America
    210 An Interpretation of Jewish Ethics
    211 Jewish Religion
    212 Jews and the Present War
    213 Judaism as Religion of Personal Decision and Com­mitment
    214 Medieval Anthropology
    215 On Academic Freedom
    216 Personalism, Socialism and Democracy
    217 Religion and Public Life
    218 Religion in America (Barnard Lectures)
    219 Religion in America: Today and Tomorrow (Phillips University Lectures)
    220 Socialism, Zionism, and the Messianic Passion
    221 Three Lectures on Jewish Religion
    222 Toward a Biblical Theology of Higher Education
    223 What is Man?
    224 What Keeps Modern Man from Religion?
XV. Publications Material
    225 "Business Enterprise in Moral Perspective" (Copy of an article in Moral Man and Economic Enterprise , Laurence G. Lavengood, ed. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1968)
    226 Judaism and Modern Man . (Typescript and Questions)
    227 Protestant, Catholic, Jew . (Mimeographed chapter and Questions)
XVI. Sermons
    228 Sermons
  • Faith and Responsibility
  • Homily at the Communion Service... June 5, 1961
  • A Jew Looks at Jesus
  • The Strangeness of Faith
  • What Does it Mean to Have a God?
XVII. Interviews
    229 Transcribed Interview Herberg and William Buckley
    230 Edited Herberg - Buckley Interview with Introduction by Thomas C. Oden. Letters between Oden and Buckley. "The Strengths of Our System"


Abelson, Paul. The seven liberal arts: a study in medieval culture. New York: Russell & Russell Inc., 1965.

Abrahams, Israel. Permanent values in Judaism. New York: Jewish Institute Press, 1923.

Acton, Lord. Essays on church and state. Douglas Woodruff, ed. New York: Viking Press, 1953.

Acton, Lord. Essays on freedom and power. Gertrude Himmelfarb, ed. Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1948.

Adams, Henry. The degradation of the democratic dogma. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1920.

Adler, Mortimer J. The conditions of philosophy: its checkered past, its present disorder and its future promise. New York: Atheneum, 1965.

Adler, Mortimer J. A dialectic of morals. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 1941.

Agar, William M. The dilemma of science. New York: Shoed & Ward, 1941.

Agus, Jacob H. Banner of Jerusalem. New York: Bloch Publishing Company, 1946.

Agus, Jacob B. Modern philosophies of Judaism: a study of recent Jewish philosophies of religion. New York: Behrman's Jewish Book House, 1941.

Alcock, Leslie. Arthur's Britian: history and archaeology, AD 367-634. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books Ltd., 1975.

Aldridge, Alfred Owen. Jonathan Edwards. New York: Washington Square Press, 1964.

Aldridge, John W. In the country of the young. New York: Harrier & Row. 1970.

Alexander, Franz. Fundamentals of psycho-analysis. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1948.

Alexander, Franz. Our age of unreason: a study of the irrational forces in social life. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1942.

Alföldi, Andrew. The conversion of Constantine and pagan Rome. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

Allan, Denison Maurice. The realm of personality. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1947.

Allen, E. L. A guide to the thought of Jacques Maritain: Christian humanism. London: Hodder & Stoughton, undated

Allen, E. L. A guide to the thought of Nicholas Berdyaev: freedom in God. London: Hodder & Stoughton, undated

Allen, E. L. A guide to the thought of Reinhold Niebuhr: Christianity and society. London: Hodder & Stoughton, undated

Allen, J. W. A history of political thought in the sixteenth century. London: Methuen & Company Ltd., 1957.

Allen, W. S. On the linguistic study of languages: an inaugural lecture. London: Camhridge University Press, 1957.

Allison, C. F. The rise of moralism: the proclamation of the Gospel from Hooker to Baxter. London: SPCK, 1966.

Allmand, C. T. Henry V. London: The Historical Association, 1968.

American Jewish year book 1955. Volume 56. Morris Fine, ed. New York: The American Jewish Committee, 1955.

American philosophy today and tomorrow. Horace M. Kallen and Sidney Hook, ads. New York: Lee Furman Inc., 1935.

Amis, Kingsley. Lucky Jim's politics. London: Conservative Political Centre, 1968.

Amis, Kingsley. Socialism and the intellectuals. London: Devon-port Press Ltd., 1957.

Ancient Jewish proverbs. L. Cranmer-Byng and S. A. Kapadia, eds. London: John Murray, 1911.

Ando, Takatura. Metaphysics: a critical survey of its meaning. Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1963.

Ando, Takatura. Metaphysics: a critical survey of its meaning. Second enlarged edition. Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1974.

Annan, Noel. The curious strength of positivism in English political thought. London: Oxford University Press, 1959.

Anscombe, G. E. M. Three philosophers. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1963.

Anti-Semitism: a social disease. Ernst Simmel, ed. New York: International Universities Press, 1946.

Antoni, Carlo. From history to sociology: the transition in German historical thinking. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1959.

Arberry, A. J. Sufism: an account of the mystics of Islam. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1968.

Aristotle. From natural science, psychology, the Nicomachean Ethics. Philip Wheelwright, ed. Garden City: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1935.

Aristotle. The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle. trans. by D. P. Chase. London: J. M. Dent, 1934.

Aristotle. The politics of Aristotle. Ernest Barker, ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1946.

Aron, Raymond. German sociology. trans. by Mary and Thomas Bottomore. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1957.

Aron, Raymond. Introduction to the philosophy of history: an inquiry on the limits of historical inquiry. trans. by George J. Irwin. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1948.

Artz, Frederick B. Renaissance humanism 1300-1550. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1966.

Ashley, Maurice. The glorious revolution of 1688. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1966.

Atkinson, James. The trial of Luther. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1971.

Aubrey, Edwin Ewart. Present theological tendencies. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1936.

Aubrey, Edwin Ewart. Secularism a myth: an examination of the current attack on secularism. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954.

Auerbach, Erich. Literary language and its public in late Latin antiquity and in the middle ages. trans. by Ralph Manheim. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965.

Augustine, Saint. The Catholic and Manichaean ways of life. trans. by Donald A. and Idella J. Gallagher. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1966. (Fathers of the Church, 56)

Aulén, Gustaf. Church, law and society. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1948.

Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. Trans. By Meric Casaubon. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1937

Aus der Fruhzeit des Marxismus: Engels Briefwechsel mit Kautsky. Karl Kautsky, ed. Prag: Orbis Verlag, 1935.

Avicenna: scientist and philosopher. G. M. Wickens, ed. London: Luzac & Company Ltd., 1952.

Avicenna's treatise on logic: Part one of Danesh-name Alai and Autobiography. trans. by Farhang Zabeeh. Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971.

Avrich, Paul. The Russian anarchists. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967,

Ayer, A. J. The central questions of philosophy. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973.

Ayer, A. J. Philosophy and language. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960.

Ayer, A. J. The revolution in philosophy. London: Macmillan & Company Ltd., 1960.

Ayer, Alfred Jules. Language, truth and logic. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1948.

Baab, Otto J. The theology of the Old Testament. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1949

Badian, E. Roman imperialism in the late republic. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1948.

Baeck, Leo. The Pharisees and other essays. New York: Schocken Books, 1947.

Baer, Yitzhak G. Galut. New York: Schocken Books, 1947.

Bagehot, Walter. Bagehot's historical essays. Norman St. John-Staves, ed. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1965.

Baillie, D. M. God was in Christ. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1948.

Baillie, John. The belief in progress. London: Oxford University Press, 1950. (2 copies.)

Baillie, John. The idea of revelation in recent thought. New York: Columbia University Press, 1956.

Baillie, John. Natural Science and the spiritual life. London: Oxford University Press, 1951.

Baillie, John. What is Christian civilization? New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1945.

Bainton, Roland H. Hunted heretic: the life and death of Michael Servetus 1511-1553. Boston: Beacon Press, 1953.

Bainton, Roland H. The Reformation of the sixteenth century. Boston: Beacon Press, 1952.

Bainton, Roland H. Studies on the Reformation. Boston: Beacon Press, 1963.

Balsdon, J. P. V. D. Julius Caesar and Rome. London: The English Universities Press Ltd., 1967.

Balsdon, J. P. V. D. Life and leisure in ancient Rome. London: Bodley Head, 1969.

Barber, Noel. The Sultans. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973.

Barbour, R. S. Traditio-historical criticism of the gospels: some comments on current methods. London: SPCK, 1972.

Barker, Ernest. Greek political theory: Plato and his predecessors. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1973.

Barlow, Frank. Edward the Confessor and the Norman conquest. Sussex, England: Budd & Gillat St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1966.

Barnes, J. A. Sociology in Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970.

Barnett, Lincoln. The universe and Or. Einstein. New York: William Sloane Associates, 1948.

Baron, Salo Wittmayer. Modern nationalism and religion. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1947.

Barr, James. The semantics of biblical language. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.

Barr, Pat. Foreign devils: Westerners in the Far East: the sixteenth century to the present day. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1970.

Barraclough, Geoffrey. History in a changing world. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1955.

Barrett, C. K. History and faith: the story of the Passion. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1967.

Barrett, William. What is Existentialism? U.S.A.: Partisan Review, 1947.

Barrow, R. H. Plutarch and his times. London: Chatto & Windus, 1967.

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Hering, Jean. A good and bad government according to the New Testament. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1954.

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Hsu, Cho-yun. Ancient China in transition: an analysis of social mobility, 722-222 B. C.. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1965.

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Jaspers, Karl. Reason and existence. Trans. By W. Earle . New York: Noon Day Press, 1955.

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Kik, J. Marcellus. Church and state in the New Testament. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1962.

Kiley, John F. Einstein and Aquinas: a rapprochment. Hague: Martines Nijhoff, 1969.

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King, Magda. Heidegger's philosophy: a guide to his basic thought. New York: Macmillan Company, 1964.

Kirk, Russell. Beyond the dreams of avarice: essays of a social critic. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1956.

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Kirstein, Lincoln. Dance: a short history of classic theatrical dancing. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sans, 1935.

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Kissinger, Henry A. A world restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the problems of peace, 1812-22 . Boston: Houghton Mif­flin Company, 1957.

Klass, Walter. Der moderne Mensch in der Theologie Rudolf Bultmanns. Zoolikon-Zürich: Evangelischer Verlag, 1947.

Klausner, Joseph. Jesus of Nazareth: his life, times and teaching. New York: Macmillan Company, 1944.

Klineberg, Otto. Social psychology. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1940.

Kluback, William. Wilhelm Uilthey's philosophy of history. New York: Oxford University Press, 1956.

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Knight, Harold. The Hebrew prophetic consciousness. London: Lutterworth Press, 1947.

Knights, L. C. Explorations: essays in criticism mainly on literature of the seventeenth century. New York: George W. Stewart, Publishers Inc., 1947.

Knowles, David. From Pachomius to Ignatius: a study in the constitutional history of the religious orders. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966.

Knowles, David. The historian and character. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 1955.

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Kochan, Lionel. Acton on history. London: Andre Deutsch Ltd., 1954.

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Koestler, Arthur. The Yogi and the Commissar, and other essays. New York: Macmillan Company, 1945.

Koffka, K. Principles of Gestalt Psychology. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1935.

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Kohn, Hans. Is the liberal West in decline? London: Pall Mall Press, 1957.

Kohn, Hans. Prophets and peoples: studies in nineteenth century nationalism. New York: Macmillan Company, 1946.

Kohn, Hans. The twentieth century: a mid-way account of the Western world. New York: Macmillan Company, 1949.

Konvitz, Milton R. On the nature of value: the philosophy of Samuel Alexander. Morningside Heights, NY: King's Crown Press, 1946.

Koyre, Alexandre. Discovering Plato. trans. by Leonora Cohen Rosenfield. New York: Columbia University Press, 1945.

Kraft, Victor. The Vienna circle: the origin of neo-positivism. New York ; Philosophical Library Inc., 1953.

Kristeller, P. O. Renaissance philosophy and the medieval tradition. Latrobe, PA: Archabbey Press, 1966.

Kroner, Richard. Culture and faith. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951.

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Kwant, Remy C. Encounter. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1960.

Laeuchli, Samuel. The serpent and the dove: five essays on early Christianity. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1966.

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Langemeyer, Bernhard. Der dialogische Personalismus in der evangelischen and katholischen Theologie der Gegenwart. Paderborn: Verlag Bonifacius-Druckerei, 1963.

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Larkin, Miriam Therese. Language in the philosophy of Aristotle. Hague: Mouton, 1971.

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Lee, Grace Chin. George Herbert Mead: philosopher of the social individual. Morningside Heights, NY: King's Crown Press, 1945.

Leff, Gordon. Medieval thought: St. Augustine to Ockham. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1958.

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Leroy, Maurice. The main trends in modern linguistics. trans. by G. Price. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1967.

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Last updated 08/02/06 by Cheryl Oestreicher