Hyo-Dong Lee, Drew University Theological School
"'Empty and Tranquil, and Without Any Sign, and Yet All Things Are Luxuriantly Present in It': A Comparative-Theological Reflection on the Neo-Confucian Conception of the Manifold Spirit of the Taegeuk/Taiji" Abstract>
Jason Mahn, Augustana College
Anna Mercedes, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University
Mayra Rivera, Graduate Theological Union, Pacific School of Religion
"'Glory: The First Passion of Theology" Abstract>
Mary-Jane Rubenstein, Wesleyan University
"Undone By Each Other: Interrupted Sovereignty in Augustine's Confessions" Abstract>
Ernest Rubinstein, Drew University Theological School
Laurel C. Schneider, Chicago Theological Seminary
"Crib Notes From Bethlehem: Polydoxy, Incarnation, and the Necessity of Syncretism" Abstract>
Kathryn Tanner, University of Chicago Divinity School
John J. Thatamanil, Vanderbilt Divinity School
"How Many Ultimate Realities Are There? Religious Diversity and the Trinity" Abstract>
Student Presenters
Brianne Donaldson, Claremont Graduate University
"They'll Know We Are Process Thinkers By Our... : Finding the Ecological Ethic of Whitehead Through the Lens of Jainism and Ecofeminist Care" Abstract>
Rose Ellen Dunn, Drew University Theological School
"(En)folding Divinity: Chiasmic Intertwinings" Abstract>
Colleen Hartung, Chicago Theological Seminary
"Rethinking Faith in the Context of Polydoxy" Abstract>
Beatrice E. Marovich, Drew University Theological School
"Political Creatures in Theological Cosmologies: Exploring New Frontiers in Theological/Political Agonism" Abstract>
Dhawn Martin, Drew University Theological School
"Souled Out: A Tale of Multipli-Cities" Abstract>
Kathryn Reklis, Yale University
"Holographic Theopoetics: Multiplicity and History Narration in Jonathan Edwards" Abstract>
Eric Trozzo, Drew University Theological School
"God Ungrounded: Envisioning the Multiplicity of a God Beyond Being" Abstract>