- Barker, Margaret
- The Great Angel, A Study of Isarel's Second God (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1992). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 4/1 (Spring 1997), 152-155.
- Baigent, Michael, and Richard Leigh
- The Dead Sea Scolls Deception (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 2/2 (Fall 1995), 148-151.
- Becker, Jurgen
- Paulus, Der Apostel der Völker (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1989). Reviewed by Marco Frenschkowski, JHC 1/1 (Fall 1994), 143-148.
- Christ, Carol
- Odyssey with the Goddess (New York: Continuum, 1995) Reviewed by Valerie Abrahamsen, JHC 4/1 (Spring 1997), 150-152.
- Cohn, Norman
- Chaos and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith (New Haven: Yale University, 1993). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 3/2 (Fall, 1996), 318-320.
- Eisenman, Robert, and Michael Wise
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered (Rockport, MW: Element Books, 1992). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 2/1 (Spring 1995), 142-149.
- Ehrman, Bart D.
- The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture, The Effect of Early Christological Controversies on the Text of the New Testament (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 3/1 (Spring 1996), 146-151.
- Harnack, Adolf von
- Marcion: The Gospel of the Alien God (Durham, NC: Labyinth Press, 1990). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 2/1 (Spring 1995), 154-157.
- Johnson, Luke Timothy
- The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest fot the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels (San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1996) Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 4/1 (Spring 1997), 156-158.
- Lüdemann, Gerd
- Heretics: The Other Side of Early Christianity (Philadelphia: Westminster/John Knox, 1996) Reviewed by Rober M. Price, JHC 4/2 (Fall 1997), 147-150.
- Maccoby, Hyam
- The Myth-Maker, Paul and the Invention of Christianity (New York: Harper-Collins, 1987) Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 1/1 (Fall 1994), 156-160.
- Marjanen, Antti
- The Woman Jesus Loved: Mary Magdalene in the Nag Hammadi Library & Related Documents (E.J. Brill, 1996). Reviewed by Robert M. Price. JHC 5/2 (Fall 1998), 315-318.
- Nau, Arlo J.
- Peter in Matthew: Discipleship, Diplomacy, and Dispraise... with an Assessment of Power and Privilege in the Petrine Office (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1992). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 3/1 (Spring 1996), 151-155.
- Neusner, Jacob
- Rabbinic Literature & The New Testament. What We Cannot Show We Do Not Know (Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press, 1994). Reviewed by J. Duncan M. Derrett, JHC 4/2 (Fall 1997), 151-154.
- Pritz, Ray A.
- Nazarene Jewish Christianity, From the End of the New Testament Period Until its Disappearance in the Fourth Century (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University / Leiden: Brill, 1988). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 2/2 (Fall 1995), 143-147.
- Riley, Gregory
- Resurrection Reconsidered: Thomas and John in Controversy (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1995). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 5/1 (Spring 1998), 150-157.
- Roberts, Paul W.
- In Search of the Birth of Jesus. The Real Journey of the Magi (New York: Riverhead Books, 1995). Reviewed by Barbara Thiering. JHC 5/2 (Fall 1998), 313-315.
- Schleiermacher, Friedrich
- Luke: A Critical Study Translation with an Introduction by Connop Thirwall, with Further Essays, Emendations and Other Apparatus by Terrence N. Tice (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 1993). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 1/1 (Fall 1994), 148-156.
- Schmithals, Walter
- The Theology of the First Christians (Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1997).
Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 5/1 (Spring 1998), 139-145.
- Schonfield, Hugh J.
- Proclaiming the Messiah: The Life and Letters of Paul of Tarsus, Envoy to the Nations (London: Open Gate Press, 1997). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 5/2 (Fall 1998), 305-313.
- Schonfield, Hugh J.
- The Essene Odyssey (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1993).
Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 2/2 (Fall 1995), 151-155.
- Schottroff, Luise
- Lydia's Impatient Sisters: A Feminist Social History of Early Christianity (Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1995). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 5/1 (Spring 1998), 145-149.
- Seim, Turid Karlsen
- The Double Message: Patterns of Gender in Luke & Acts (Nashville: Abingdon, 1994). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 5/1 (Spring 1998), 157-159.
- Sheres, Ita, and Anne Kohn Blau
- The Truth about the Virgin: Sex and Ritual in the Dead Sea Scrools (New York: Continum, 1995). Reviewed by Barbara Thiering, JHC 3/1 (Spring 1996), 155-157.
- Smith, Jonathan Z.
- Drudgery Divine. On the Comparison of Early Christianities and the Religions of Late Antiquity (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 3/1 (Spring 1996), 137-145.
- Stark, Rodney
- The Rise ofChristianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (Princeton University Press, 1996). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 5/2 (Fall 1998), 301-305.
- Theide, Carsten Peter
- Rekindling the Word: In Search of Gospel (Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press, 1995). Reviewed by Daryl D. Schmidt, JHC 3/2 (Fall, 1996), 315-318.
- Thiering, Barbara
- Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls (New York: Harper Collins, 1992). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 2/1 (Spring 1995), 149-153.
- Van Voorst, Robert E.
- The Ascents of James, History and Theology of a Jewish-Christian Community (SBLDS 112. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 2/2 (Fall 1995), 140-142.
- Welburn, Andrew
- The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation, and the Christian Vision (Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1991). Reviewed by Robert M. Price, JHC 4/1 (Fall 1997), 154-158.
- Wilkins, Michael J., and J. P. Moreland (eds.)
- Jesus Under Fire (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994). Reviewed by Roy W. Hoover, JHC 3/2 (Fall, 1996), 315-318.
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Last modified September 25, 1999
Copyright © Institute for Higher Critical Studies, 1996
Darrell J. Doughty
Institute for Higher Critical Studies
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