Journal of Higher Criticism:
Instructions for Contributers

We welcome articles dealing with historical, literary, and history-of-religion issues from the perspective of higher criticism, as well as studies in the history of biblical criticism, historical-critical methodology, and the work of major figures in that tradition. Our primary focus is on the Christian Scriptures and Early Christianity, but studies dealing with the Hebrew Scriptures, Judaism, and other religious traditions will also receive careful consideration. Articles for publication should be submitted to Robert M. Price, The Institute for Higher Critical Studies, The Theological School, Drew University, Madison, NJ, 07940.

The Journal of Higher Criticism is printed from camera-ready copy produced by MS Word for Windows. Articles should be submitted on a DOS floppy disk in Word format, or a format easily imported into Word (e.g., Word for DOS; WordPerfect for DOS or Windows; Ami Pro; Word Pro — but not ASCII!). This must be accompanied by a "hard copy" in manuscript form. In general, the Journal follows the guidelines set forth in the "JBL Instructions for Contributers," and the Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago, 1969).

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Institute for Higher Critical Studies, January 22, 1998

Darrell J. Doughty
Institute for Higher Critical Studies
Drew University, Madison, NJ, 07940