means of putting across this democratic message of God's love had the sovereign
effectiveness of simplicity. Methodist, Evangelical,
and United Brethren preachers went out looking for people, and wherever
they found them, in fields or barns, around the kitchen table or the tavern
bar, they challenged them to turn from sin to life in Christ. Frequently
they arrived in a frontier region for the first time, only to discover
that a believing woman or man had already gathered a few interested persons
into a group of seekers. To these persons and others the preachers spoke
with such power that often "the gale of the spirit" blew over
"the dry bones, and they did live the life of glorious love."
converts were formed into small groups, each with a lay leader selected
by the preacher who was responsible for seeing to it that they grew in
grace. Circuit-riding preachers visited the fledgling congregations on
a regular basis. Presiding elders (later called district superintendents)
also made the rounds, baptizing children, youth,
and adults, administering the Lord's supper, and holding quarterly conferences
at which past work was evaluated and future work projected. The preachers
gathered each year in conference and received their new assignments from
the bishop. Every four years clergy delegates from the annual conferences
met in a General Conference and adopted legislation affecting the whole