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Governor Thomas H. Kean Papers Finding Aid

Governor Thomas H. Kean Collection
Finding Aid, part IV

Collection arranged by Meghan Scrimgeour, Christina McKitish, and Rebecca Rego Barry, Summer 2004

Updated Spring 2006

Container Listing

Series IV. Photos

a.      Photos by subject

Box 111 Subjects, 1982-1989, A-J:











Annual Message

Bear Stearns

Cabinet Photos

Cabinet Officers

Campaign 1976-1977


Children with disabilities


Cicatiello, Tony

College President Press Conference




Education, Higher Education

Education, Middle-High School


Environment (folder 2)

Forbes "The Kean Years" (January 16, 1989)

Governors Association

Governors Ball

Governors School

Hands Across America

Historic Morven


International Trade

Israel Trip

Box 112 Subjects, K-Z:

Kean, Debby

Kean, Thomas, folder 1

Kean, Thomas, folder 2

Kean, Thomas with celebrities

Kean, Thomas with Debby Kean

Kean, Thomas with family

Kean, Thomas with George H.W. Bush

Kean, Thomas with Gerald Ford

Kean, Thomas with Pope John Paul II

Kean, Thomas with Richard Nixon

Kean, Thomas with Ronald Reagan

Kean, Thomas with Senator Larry Weiss


Lincoln statue

Meadowlands arena


Miscellaneous with Thomas Kean, folder 1

Miscellaneous with Thomas Kean, folder 2

Miscellaneous without Thomas Kean

New Jersey Capital Building

New Jersey State Aquarium

NGA Portland, Maine, July 31-August 2, 1983

Pindar, Rev. James

Politics of Inclusion (Book Party)

Republican Governor's Association (RGA)

Senior Citizens


Showtime Award Ceremony 1986

Special Olympics


State of the State

State of the State, State Police 1982

Staff, Governor's

Transportation, Department of


b.      Contact sheets

Box 113 Contact sheets (inc. Index) Jan. 1982-Oct. 1984

Box 114 Contact sheets June 1986-Apr. 1988

Box 115 Contact sheets 1988, Misc.

c.       Oversize photos

Box 116 Oversize photos

Series V. Correspondence

Box 117 List of folder titles:

Correspondence, 1983-1985

Correspondence, 1983-1987 (Boris Klotz, folder 1)

Correspondence, 1983-1987 (Boris Klotz, folder 2)

Correspondence, 1983-1987 (Boris Klotz, folder 3)

Correspondence, 1985 (Congratulatory Letters)

Correspondence, 1985-1988 (Ronald Reagan)

Correspondence, 1986

Correspondence, 1987-1988

Correspondence, 1987-1988 (George H.W. Bush)

Correspondence, 1988 (Congratulatory Letters)

Correspondence, 1988 (Richard Nixon)

Correspondence, 1989

Correspondence, Jan. 1990, folder 1

Correspondence, Jan. 1990, folder 2

Correspondence, Feb. 1990

Correspondence, March 1990

Correspondence, 1990 (Congratulatory Letters)

Correspondence, 1994-1996

Correspondence, Undated

Series VI. Office Files

Box 117 List of folder titles:

Governor Kean 1991-1992, Education Film Correspondence

Governor Kean 1993-1994, Misc.

Governor Kean-Harold W. McGraw, Jr., Prize in Education

Kean Brochure 1991

Kean Brochure 1991-1992

Kean Film Video "America's Education Revolution: A Political Primer 1992"

Kean, Nico

Kean PAC

Liberty Science Center

Public Relations Society of America

Public Relations Society of America, "The Speech", Iowa 1994

Public Relations Society of America, "The Iowa Trip"

State Aquarium 1991

THK, "The Future"

THK Book Party, 4/27/88

THK Jr. (Engagement 1994)

Series VII. Education

Box 118 Carnegie Forum, ECS, National Board of

Professional Teaching Standards, National

Teachers Forum, President's Education

Summit, U.S. Dept. of Education

Box 119 Educate America, NASDC, videotapes of

NASDC and Supercamp

Series VIII. Public Relations

a.      News Releases

Box 120 News Releases 1981

News Releases 1987-1989

b.      Publications

Box 120 General publications and publications

on specific issues, Legislative

Index (1982-1990), Annual Message

to the New Jersey State Legislature

(1984, 1986-1989)

Box 121 State of New Jersey Budget 1982-1990

c.       Magazine & News Clips

Box 122 Magazine & News Clips 1982-1990

d.      Accomplishments & Awards

Box 123 Kean's accomplishments & awards,

Governor's Awards

Series IX. Miscellaneous/Ephemera

Box 124 List of items:

Binder of quotes (rehoused in 22 acid-free folders)

Christmas cards (outgoing)

Christmas cards (incoming)

Kean Inaugural Committee, 1982 (folder)

Fiftieth Presidential Inaugural Invitation

Byrne/Kean Bumper Sticker

Kean (Drew) Inaugural Booklet

Kean (Drew) Inaugural Diplomas, 1990 (2)

Scrapbook from Mrs. Frank's 4th Grade Class, 1984

Two pens

1 audiotape, 1 videotape of Kean music

Box 125 List of items (oversize):

NEA Special, Aug. 7, 1991

The St. Marker, Jan. 29, 1960 (profile of Kean)

West Essex Tribune, Jan. 21, 1982 (with mss. notes)

Newark Sunday News NJ Tercentenary, May 24, 1964 (NJ Kean family history)

Last updated May 16, 2007 by CherylOestreicher