Drew University Middle East Studies Program

Middle East Studies

Rym Bettaieb

          Rym Bettaieb is born and grew up in Tunis, Tunisia. She earned her BA in English with a minor in Spanish from the University of Tunis in 1994. She came to the US to pursue her graduate studies. She received her MA in English with Honors from the College of Staten Island, City University of New York in 2000. She is a recipient of an International Scholarship Award to pursue her PhD in English Literature at Drew University. Ms. Bettaieb has taught foreign languages (Arabic and French), and English Composition in colleges and universities in the New York Metropolitan area since 1998. She writes non-fiction and poetry. Her creative piece entitled “Chapter 1” was recently published in _And Then_ magazine. Ms. Bettaieb has interest in Arab and Arab-American Literature, Autobiographical Writing, Twentieth Century Ethnic-American Literature, and Feminist Literary Theory.

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