Drew Colloquium Presenters
Roland Boer, Hebrew Bible, Monash University, Melbourne, "Barren, Fecund and Constipated: Louis Althusser and the Difficult Birth of Israel in Genesis"
Daniel Boyarin, Talmudic Culture, University of California Berkeley, "Soshia's Choice: Recovering Jewish Logos Theology"
Virginia Burrus, Early Church History, Drew University, "Creatio ex Libidine, or the Secret of God's Desire: Rereading Ancient Logos"
Roland Faber, Systematic Theology, University of Vienna, "Creation as Differentiation: Toward a Third-Space Concept of Creation as 'Self-Differentiation In/Difference' in Dialogue with Mystical and Process Theology"
Kevin Hart, Philosophical Theology, Monash University, "Forgotten Sociality"
Serene Jones, Systematic Theology, "Of Wound and Wonder:The Sublime, The Violent, and the Rhetoric of Fracture"
Catherine Keller, Contructive Theology, Drew University, "Bottomless Beginnings: Theology as Chaosmos"
Rebecca Lyman, Christianity and Late Antiquity, Graduate Theological Union, "The Politics of Passing: Justin Martyr, Mimicry, and the Origins of Christian 'Othodoxy'"
Constant Mews, Medieval Philosophy, Monash University, "The World Soul and the Cosomic Egg: Some Counter Discourses of Creation From the Twelfth Century"
Kathryn Tanner, Theology, University of Chicago Divinity School, "Creation as Mixed Metaphor"
Carol Wayne White, Philosophy of Religion, Bucknell University, "Reverberations from a Mystical Naturalism: the Theological Legacy of Anne Conway (1631-1679)"
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