the 1820s an organized effort to curb the power of bishops, to elect presiding
elders (later called district superintendents), and to provide for lay
membership in the annual and general conferences had its center in Baltimore.
When the demands of its leaders were treated by the bishops and dominant
preachers as so much noise blowing on the wind, they left the Methodist
Episcopal Church in 1828 and founded the Methodist
Protestant Church in 1830.
constitution of the Methodist Protestant Church made clear, however, that
blacks were not included among those with unalienable rights in the church--"Every
Minister and Preacher, and every white, lay, male Member . . . shall be
entitled to vote in all cases." This denial of black rights was not
a new departure. Its beginnings can be traced to the period immediately
after the first Methodist Discipline called
upon slaveowners to free their slaves or clear out of the church. The very
next year, l 785, it was concluded at the annual conference "that
the rule on slavery would do harm;" therefore, it was suspended. Somewhat
later Bishop Asbury saw how slavery was becoming
ingrained in American life and decided that "under such circumstances
he did not see what we as a ministry could do better than to try to get
both masters and servants to get all the religion they could, and get ready
to leave a troublesome world."