missionary activity led to organizing churches and in some instances conferences
for various ethnic groups in the United States: Germans, Hispanics--Alejo
Hernandez was ordained a Methodist deacon in 1871 and an elder in 1874--Hungarians,
Italians, Japanese, Native Americans, Norwegians, Poles, and Swedes. These
domestic missions were underwritten by denominational home missionary societies
and by independent women's boards. Women
also started deaconess work, begun in northern Methodism in the 1880s when
Lucy Rider Meyer started training young women to visit
the poor and sick in city ghettos.
the last two decades of the nineteenth century, rural and urban problems
caught the attention of church leaders. Methodist mission executives were
troubled by their discovery that there was one Methodist for every 29 rural
people, one for every 46 city dwellers. Using the premise that "density
of population means intensity of sin," an Evangelical editor called
for aggressive urban evangelism. From these challenges came the development
of city ministries such as the Five Points Mission in New York City and
the Chicago Missionary Society. To meet rural needs the churches made surveys,
trained leaders, and founded missions such as Red Bird in eastern Kentucky.