So United Methodism took the twentieth-century tide of pluralism and rode it, if not to numerical success, then to a situation in 1984 in which diverse ministries, various theologies, and active democracy characterize the church. Yet unity has not been pushed aside. Participation in the Consultation on Church Union continues, as do talks on specific issues with other Christian churches and a number of other religions. But the concern for unity remains primarily a concern for United Methodist unity around a question John Wesley asked more than 200 years ago: "What may we reasonably believe to be God's design in raising up the preachers called Methodists?" The answer given was: "Not to form any new sect; but to reform the nation, particularly the Church; and to spread Scriptural holiness over the land." Since this answer was given, many changes have taken place. Nevertheless, there has been no change in the mission to reform the nation, particularly the church, and to spread scriptural holiness over the land.