Background Reading List
Agamben, Giorgio. Homo Sacer: Soverign Power and Bare Life, Daniel Heller-Roazen, trans. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995.
Agamben, Giorgio. The Kingdom and the Glory, Lorenzo Chiesa, trans. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011.
Althaus-Reid, Marcella. "Grandes Medidas Economicas: Big Economic Measures: Conceptulising Global Erection Processes." Indecent Theology. New York: Routledge, 2000. 165-200.
Badiou, Alain. The Rebirth of History: Times of Riots and Uprisings. New York: Verso, 2012.
Betcher, Sharon. Spirit and the Politics of Disablement. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007.
Butler, Judith, Jurgen Habermas, Charles Taylor, Cornel West. The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere, Eduardo Mendieta and Jonathan VanAntwerpen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011.
Cavanaugh, William T. Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2008.
Cobb, John B. Jr. For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward the Community, Environment, and Sustainable Future, Boston: Beacon Press, 1989.
[short easy version: Sustainability; The Earthist Challenge to Economism]
Cobb, John B. Jr, Process Theology as Political Theology. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982.
Connolly, William. Capitalism and Christianity, American Style. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008.
Connolly, William. A World of Becoming. Durham: Duke University Press, 2011.
Connolly, William. Why I am not a Secularist. Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
Critchley, Simon. The Faith of the Faithless: Experiments in Political Theology. Brooklyn: Verso, 2012.
Crockett, Clayton. Radical Political Theology: Religion and Politics after Liberalism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011.
Crockett, Clayton. ed. Secular Theology: American Radical Theological Thought. (New York: Routledge, 2001).
Crockett, Clayton and Jeff Robbins. Religion, Politics, and the Earth: The New Materialism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
de Vries, Hent and Laurence E. Sullivan, ed. Political Theologies in a Post-Secular World. New York: Fordham, 2006.
Derrida, Jacques. Specters of Marx. 1992.
Derrida, Jacques. Rogues: Two Essays on Reason. 2002.
Derrida, Jacques. The Beast and the Sovereign Vol. 1
Dorrien, Gary. Reconstructing the Common Good: Theology and The Social Order Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1992.
Dorrien, Gary. Economy, Difference, Empire: Social Ethics for Social Justice. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
Dussel, Enrique. "Theology and Economy: The Theological Paradigm of Communicative Action and the Paradigm of the Community of Life as a Theology of Liberation." Beyond Philosophy: Ethics, History, Marxism, and Liberation Theology. Eduardo Mendieta, ed. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003. 130-146.
Espejo, Paulina Ochoa. The Time of Popular Sovereignty: Process and the Democratic State. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2011.
Esposito, Roberto. Terms of the Political: Community, Immunity, Biopower. (New York: Fordham, 2013).
Goodchild, Philip. "Capital and Kingdom: An Eschatological Ontology." Theology and the Political: The New Debate, Creston Davis, John Milbank, and Slavoj Zizek, eds. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.
Goodchild, Philip. Theology of Money (New Slant: Religion, Politics, Ontology). Durham: Duke University Press, 2009.
Grau, Marion. Of Divine Economy: Refinancing Redemption. New York: T&T Clark International, 2004.
Hardt, Michael and Antonio Negri. Commonwealth. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009.
Keller, Catherine. God and Power: Counter-Apocalyptic Journeys. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005.
Lloyd, Vincent. The Problem with Grace: Reconfiguring Political Theology. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011
Miguez, Nestor, Joerg Rieger, and Jung Mo Sung. Beyond the Spirit of Empire. London: SCM Press, 2009.
Milbank, John. The Future of Love: Essays in Political Theology. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2009.
Negri, Antonio. "The Political Subject and Absolute Immanence." Theology and the Political: The New Debate, Creston Davis, John Milbank, and Slavoj Zizek, eds. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.
Rieger, Joerg. Globalization and Theology. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2010.
Rieger, Joerg. No Rising Tide: Theology, Economics, and the Future. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2009.
Rieger, Joerg and Kwok Pui-lan. Occupy Religion: Theology of the Multitude New York: Rowman and Littlefied, 2012.
Rivera, Mayra. The Touch of Transcendence: A Postcolonial Theology of God. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007.
Robbins, Jeff. Radical Democracy and Political Theology. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011.
Robbins, Jeffery W. and Neal Magee, eds. The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken: The New Politics of Religion in the United States. New York: Continuum, 2008.
Schmitt, Carl. Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty. 1922.
Shiva, Vandana. Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability, and Peace. Cambridge: South End Press, 2005.
Sung, Jung Mo. Desire, Market, and Religion. London: SCM Press, 2007.
Tanner, Kathryn. Economy of Grace. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005.
Tanner, Kathryn. The Politics of God: Christian Theologies and Social Justice. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992.
Taylor, Charles. A Secular Age. Cambridge: Belknap Haravard, 2007. Chapter 15 especially.
Taylor, Mark L. The Theological and the Political: On the Weight of the World. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011.
Thatamanil, John. The Immanent Divine: God, Creation, and the Human Predicament. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006.
Ward, Graham. The Politics of Discipleship: Becoming Postmaterial Citizens. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009.
Zizek, Slavoj. The Year of Dreaming Dangerously. New York: Verso, 2012.