Common Good(s): Economy, Ecology, and Political Theology
The Twelfth Transdiscplinary Theological Colloquium at Drew Theological School
The following events are open to Drew-related and visiting graduate students and academics. All presenter papers will be pre-circulated to registered participants. Papers will not be read in full at the colloquium. Please register to receive the papers and to indicate which meals you will attend.
Friday, February 8, 2013
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM: Public Lecture , Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
William E. Connolly: “Process Philosophy and Planetary Politics”
1:00 - 6:00 PM: Graduate Student Scholarship Panels, Wendell Room, Mead Hall
6:45 PM: Dinner for Colloquium Presenters and Respondents, Mead Hall
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Coffee and tea will be provided all day in the Cyber Cafe
8:15 AM: Coffee and Light Breakfast
8:45 AM: Introductions, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
9:20 AM: Panel 1, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
William Connolly, “Process Philosophy and Planetary Politics”
Respondent: Catherine Keller
10:15 AM: Break, Coffee Service in Cyber Café
10:30 AM: Panel 2, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Clayton Crockett, “Non-Theology and Political Ecology: Post- Secularism, Repetition, and Insurrection” Abstract>
Respondent: Otto Maduro
11:30 AM: Panel 3, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Melanie Johnson-DeBaufre, “The Basileia of God and the Space/s of Utopian Politics”
Respondent: Mayra Rivera Rivera
12:25 PM: Lunch, Seminary Hall Atrium
1:45 PM: Panel 4, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Vincent Lloyd, “From the Theopaternal to the Theopolitical: On James Baldwin and Barack Obama” Abstract>
Respondent: W. Anne Joh
2:45 PM: Panel 5, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Paulina Ochoa Espejo, “Between a Rock and an Empty Place: Political Theology and Democratic Legitimacy” Abstract>
Respondent: Jeffrey W. Robbins
3:40 PM: Break, Coffee Service in Cyber Café
4:00 PM: Panel 6, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Jacqueline Hidalgo, “'The River at Its Source Sang': Imagining Ecology in Aztlán and the New Jerusalem" Abstract>
Respondent: Sharon Betcher
5:00 PM: Panel 7, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Joerg Rieger, “Contesting the Common Good and Religion in the Context of Capitalism: Abrahamic Alternatives” Abstract>
Respondent: Peter Heltzel
6:30 PM: Wine and Cheese Reception, Mead Hall Atrium
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Coffee and tea will be provided throughout the day in the Cyber Cafe
8:15 AM: Coffee and Light Breakfast, Cyber Café
8:45 AM: Panel 8, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Kathryn Tanner, “The Ambiguities of Transcendence" Abstract>
Respondent: Hyo-Dong Lee
9:45 AM: Panel 9, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
John Thatamanil, “The Invention of ‘The Religious’ and ‘The Political’: Genealogy of Religion, Interfaith Dialogue, and Political
Respondent: Dan Miller
10:40 AM: Break, Coffee Service in Cyber Café
11:00 AM: Panel 10, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Nimi Wariboko, “Elements of Tradition, Protest, and New Creation in Monetary Systems: A Political Theology of Market Miracles” Abstract>
Respondent: Cynthia Moe-Lobeda
12:00 PM: Lunch, Seminary Hall Atrium
1:00 PM: Panel 11, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Elias Ortega-Aponte, “Democratic Futures In the Shadow of Mass- Incarceration: Towards A Political Theology of Prison Abolition”
Respondent: Santiago Slobodsky
2:00 PM: Panel 12, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Gary Dorrien
Respondent: Johannes Morsink
3:00 PM: Break, Coffee Service in Cyber Café
3:15 PM: Wrap Up Discussion, Craig Hall, Seminary Hall