1:00 PM: Panel 1, Wendell Room, Mead Hall
Dhawn Martin, Drew Theological School, "A Cosmopolitan Political Theology: Engaging 'The Political' as Incarnational Field of Emergence"
Charon Hribar, Drew Theological School, "Common Sense/Good Sense: Rethinking the 'Common Good' and the Myth of the Middle in U.S. Society"
Elijah Prewitt-Davis, Drew Theological School, "Chick-fil-A Recognize(s) Me!: The Politics of Recognition After God"
Respondent: Hannah Hofheinz, Harvard Divinity School
2:45 PM: Panel 2, Founders Room, Mead Hall
Beatrice Marovich, Drew Theological School, "Spectral Creatures and the Figure of Justice"
Michael Oliver, Drew Theological School, "Commonly Good Sacrifice: Kenosis as a Theological Intervention for Environmental Politics"
Sara Rosenau, Drew Theological School, "Re-considering the Communitarian Argument in Political Theology"
P. Joshua Griffin, University of Washington, "The Event’s Becoming: Imminent Ecotheology in an Age of Planetary Liminality"
Respondent: Shelley Dennis, Drew Theological School
4:45 PM, Panel 3, Founders Room, Mead Hall
A. Paige Rawson, Drew Theological School, "A (Socioeconomic) Hermeneutics of Chayim: The Theo-Ethical Implications of Reading withWisdom"
Anatoli Ignatov, Johns Hopkins University, “The Earth is like a Skin:” Earth Priests, Sacred Groves and African Eco-Theologies"
Karen Bray, Drew Theological School, "The Common Good of the Flesh: A Methodology of the Obscene in the Work of William Connolly and Jeorg Rieger"
An Yountae, Drew Theological School, "Dialectic of Labor and the Death of God: Immanent Exteriority in Hegel, Negri, and Dussel"
Respondent: Elizabeth Freese, Drew Theological School