Paper presenters and titles of papers:
Marcella Althaus-Reid, University of Edinburgh
Kissing Evita's Shoes: Feetishism -- The Scent of a Latin American Body Theology
Daniel Boyarin, University of California at Berkeley
What Do We Talk About When We Talk About (Platonic) Love: The Symposium
and Christian Erotics
Sheila Briggs, University of Southern California
Digital Bodies and the Transformation of the Flesh
Virginia Burrus, Drew University
Praying is Joying: Musings on Love in Evagrius of Pontus's Chapters On Prayer
Robert Corrington, Drew University
American Transcendentalism's Erotic Aqua-tecture
Amy Hollywood, University of Chicago
Sexual Desire, Divine Desire; Or Queering the Beguines
Grace Jantzen, University of Manchester
Thantos and the Passion for Transformation
Richard Kearney, Boston College
Divine Eros - Ascending and Descending
Tod Linafelt, Georgetown University
Lyrical Theology: The Song of Songs and the Advantage of Poetry
Karmen MacKendrick, Le Moyne College
Carthage Didn't Burn Hot Enough: St. Augustine's Divine Seduction
Yvonne Sherwood, University of Glasgow
Passion. Binding. Passion.
Diana Swancutt, Yale Divinity School
Making Sex Work: A Queer Proposal for a Christian Ethics of Sexual Service
External Respondents/Discussants:
Cheryl Anderson, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
John Hoffmeyer, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Mark Jordan, Emory University
Dale Martin, Yale University
Elliot Wolfson, New York University
Student Session:
Mario Costa, "For the Love of God: the Death of Desire and the Gift of Love."
Anna Mercedes, "Kenotic Desire, Becoming Self"
Mayra Rivera, "Memory of the Flesh: Divine Transcendence and Human Otherness"
Richard Patrick Whaite, "Desiring Anthropology: the Soul and Materiality"