Presenters -- Graduate Student Conference
Monday, 3 October, 9:00am - 5:30pm, in Mead Hall
Whitney A. Bauman, Graduate Theological
A Social Ecofeminist Evaluation of The Universe Story.
Richard Bohannon, Drew University
The Politics of Being Human.
Matthew Bersagel Braley, Emory University
Towards the Sources in Our Midst: Exploring the Use of Ethical
Sources in
the Commitment to Ecological and Economic Justice.
Antonia Gorman, Drew University
Surrogate Suffering: Paradigms of Sin, Salvation, and Sacrifice
within the Vivisection Movement.
Luke Higgins, Drew University
Redirecting the Gaze of Eco-Theology: Towards A Deleuze-Guattarian
Micro-Pneumatology of Spirit-Dust.
Michael Llewellyn Humphreys, Drew University
Elaborating the notion of non-human agency.
Matthew Immergut, Drew University
Overcoming Alienation: Connecting to and Constructing Natures.
Cecil Marshall, Drew University
Scandinavian Immanentalism.
Barbara Muraca, University of Greifswald
Healing Bifurcations Throughout the Modern Ontology of Nature.
Kevin J. O'Brien, Emory University
The Natures of Biodiversity:Theological Naturalism at the Intersection
of Science and Ethics.
Benjamin Stewart, Emory University
“See Good Itself if You Can:” Augustine on Seeing
God in Creation.
Asher Walden, Drew University
David B. Wright, Drew University
Feral Philosophy?: Towards a Relational Phenomenology of Human/Nature.
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© 2005, Drew University
Drew Transdisciplinary Theology Colloquium Series
For more information, contact Rick Bohannon.