Wesley Ariarajah is Professor of Ecumenical Theology at Drew University. He is the author of Not Without My Neighbor- Issues in Inter-Religious Relations.
"The One and the Many: Are these Opposites? The struggle within the Indian tradition and its implications for religious plurality today" Abstract>
Loriliai Biernacki is an Associate Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She is the author of Renowned Goddess of Desire: Women, Sex and Speech in Tantra.
"Abhinavagupta's Theogrammatical Topography of the One and the Many" Abstract>
Chris Boesel is Associate Professor of Christian Theology at Drew University. He is the author of Risking Proclamation, Respecting Difference: Christian Faith, Imperialistic Discourse, and Abraham.
Philip Clayton is Ingraham Professor of Theology at Claremont School of Theology and Professor of Religion at Claremont Graduate University. His most recent book is Transforming Christian Theology: For Church and Society.
"The God Who IS (Not) One:Of Elephants, Blind Men, and Disappearing Tigers" Abstract>
S. Mark Heim is Samuel Abbot Professor of Christian Theology at Andover-Newton Theological School. He has written extensively on religious pluralism and the Trinity, and his most recent book is Saved From Sacrifice: A Theology of the Cross.
"Whose Trinities? Which Ultimates?: Thoughts on Trinitarian Theologies of Religious Pluralism" Abstract>
John F. Hoffmeyer is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. He has published on the German thinkers G.W.F. Hegel and Friedrich Schleiermacher, and is currently working on a book on trinitarian theology and consumerism.
"Multiplicity and Christocentric Theology" Anstract>
Cynthia L. Rigby is the W. C. Brown Professor of Theology at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She is the author of The Promotion of Social Righteousness.
"The Universe, Raw: Endwelling the Endwelling of the Three-in-One" Abstract>
Kathryn Tanner is Professor of Systematic Theology at Yale Divinity School. Her latest book is Economy of Grace, exploring the intersections between theology and economics.
"Absolute Difference" Abstract>
Respondents & Discussants
Peter G. Heltzel is Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Micah Institute at New York Theological Seminary. He is the author of Jesus and Justice: Evangelicals, Race, and American Politics.
Hyo-Dong Lee is Assistant Professor of Theological Philosophy at Drew University. His research and teaching interests include dialogue between the Christian/Western theological tradition and Northeast Asian religious thought, including Confucianism Daoism, and Tonghak. His forthcoming book is tentatively titled Come, Holy Gi: A Cross-cultural Theology of the Postcolonial Spirit.
Serene Jones is President of Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York and Roosevelt Professor of Systematic Theology. Her latest book is Trauma and Grace: Theology in a Ruptured World.
Callid Keefe-Perry's research and speaking interests include communal hermeneutics, Paul Ricoeur, and theopoetics. He is a Quaker and travels in the Ministry with endorsement, coordinates the Transformative Language Arts Network, co-convenes an Emergent Christian Cohort, and studies at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School. He maintains and
Catherine Keller is Professor of Constructive Theology at Drew University. In addition to coediting the forthcoming volume from last year's Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquium, Polydoxy: Theology of Multiplicity and Relation, her most recent book is On the Mystery: Discerning God in Process.
Jason Mahn is Assistant Professor of Religion at Augustana College. He is at work on a book tentatively entitled, Fortunate Fallibility: Kierkegaard and the Power of Sin.
Karen Pechilis is Professor of Religious Studies at Drew University. Focusing on Asian Religions and Comparative Religion, she is the author of The Embodiment of Bhakti.
Mayra Rivera is Assistant Professor of Theology and Latina/o Studies at Harvard Divinity School. She is the author of The Touch of Transcendence: A Postcolonial Theology of God.
Laurel C. Schneider is Professor of Theology, Ethics, and Culture at Chicago Theological Seminary. Her latest book is Beyond Monotheism: A Theology of Multiplicity.
Christopher Taylor is Professor of Islamic Studies at Drew University. He is the author of In the Vicinity of the Righteous: Ziyara and the Veneration of Muslim Saints in Late Medieval Egyp.
John J. Thatamanil is Assistant Professor of Theology at Vanderbilt University. He is the author of The Immanent Divine: God, Creation, and the Human Predicament.
Lawrence Troster is the Jewish Chaplain of Bard College, an Associate of its Institute of Advanced Theology, and the Rabbinic Scholar in Residence for Greenfaith, an interfaith coalition in New Jersey. He publishes and teaches on theology, environmentalism, liturgy, bio-ethics and Judaism, and modern cosmology.
Michelle Voss Roberts is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Rhodes College. Her forthcoming book (Oct 2010) is Dualities: A Theology of Difference.
Graduate Student Presenters
Jake Erickson, Drew University
Holly Hillgardner, Drew University
Sam Laurent, Drew University
Elaine Padilla, Drew University
Sara Rosenau, Drew University
Eric Trozzo, Drew University