This conference will meet between September 30 and October 3, 2010 at Drew University's Madison, New Jersey campus.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
6:00 PM: Reception for Invited Guests, Founders Room, Mead Hall
7:00 PM: Dinner for Invited Guests, Founders Room, Mead Hall
Friday, October 1, 2010
8:00 AM: Breakfast, Seminary Hall Atrium
8:45 AM: Introductory Session, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Welcome and Introduction, Chris Boesel and Catherine Keller
Panel One, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Philip Clayton, "The God Who IS (Not) One:Of Elephants, Blind Men, and Disappearing Tigers" Abstract>
Response by Hyo-Dong Lee
Moderated by Chris Boesel
10:45 AM: Break
11:00 AM: Panel Two, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Cynthia L.Rigby, "The Universe, Raw: Endwelling the Endwelling of the Three-in-One" Abstract>
Response by Serene Jones
Moderated by Hyo-Dong Lee
12:15 PM: Lunch, Seminary Hall Atrium
1:45 PM: Panel Three, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Loreliai Biernacki, "Abhinavagupta's Theogrammatical Topography of the One and the Many" Abstract>
Response by Karen Pechilis
John Hoffmeyer, "Multiplicity and Christocentric Theology" Abstract>
Response by Michelle Voss Roberts
4:15 PM: Break
4:30 PM: Panel Four, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Chris Boesel, "Religious Symbols Function, But What Does Testimony Do?: Tracing the
Limits of Trinitarian Ethics"
response by Lawrence Troster
Moderated by Wesley Ariarajah
6:00 PM: Reception for Invited Guests, Seminary Hall
7:00 PM: Dinner for Invited Guests, Seminary Hall
Saturday, October 2, 2010
9:00 AM: Breakfast, Seminary Hall Atrium
10:00 AM: Panel Five, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Wesley Ariarajah, "One and the Many: The Struggle to Understand Plurality with the Indian Tradition and its Implications for the Debate on Religious Plurality Today" Abstract>
Response by Chris Taylor
Kathryn Tanner, "Absolute Difference" Abstract>
Response by Jason Mahn
Moderated by Chris Boesel
12:30 PM: Lunch, Seminary Hall Atrium
2:00 PM: Panel Six, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
S. Mark Heim, "Differential Pluralism and Trinitarian Theologies of Religion" Abstract>
Response by John Thatamanil
Moderated by Catherine Keller
3:30 PM: Break
3:45 PM: Wrap-up Session, Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall
Catherine Keller
5:30 PM: Reception for Invited Guests, Seminary Hall Atrium
6:30 PM: Dinner for Invited Guests, Seminary Hall Atrium
Sunday, October 3, 2010: Student Session
8:30 AM: Breakfast, Seminary Hall
9:30 AM: Student Panel One, Seminary Hall Room 109
Moderated by Dhawn B. Martin
Jake Erickson, "Doxological Diversities and Canticle Multiplicities: The Trinitarian Anthropologies of David H. Kelsey and Ivone Gebara,"
Natalie Williams, responding
Holly Hillgardner, "Spirited Transformations: A Theology of Religious Difference in Relationality,"
Terra Rowe, responding
1045 AM: Break
11:15 AM: Student Panel Two, Seminary Hall Room 109
Moderated by Dhawn B. Martin
Elaine Padilla, "A Monstrous Trinity: Poetic Imaginings of Grotesque Divine Loving Incarnations of the Many,"
Erika Murphy, responding
Sara Rosenau, "Excess, Reversibility, and Apophasis: Reflections on Wisdom and Word in Feminist Trinities,"
Peter Anthony Mena, responding
12:30 PM: Lunch, Seminary Hall Atrium
1:30 PM: Student Panel Three, Seminary Hall Room 109
Moderated by Dhawn B. Martin
Sam Laurent, "Spirit as Story: A Trinitarian Pneumatology,"
Troy Mack, responding
Eric Trozzo, "Diffèrance in Divinity?"
Wade Mitchell, responding
2:45 PM: Closing Remarks, Seminary Hall Room 109
Chris Boesel