Divine Multiplicities: Trinities & Diversities

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  • Divine Multiplicities Blog

    This link takes you to our new TTC blog, wherein Wesley Ariarajah and Chris Boesel begin a conversation with John Thatamanil about his paper at last year's colloquium on Polydoxy, and the ways in which it addresses our current theme. This conversation, then, is open to continue through the summer, as an invitation to all colloquium presenters and respondents (with a comments option for anyone else interested in these themes) to begin thinking and talking together as we work on our respective contributions to our meeting in the fall.

  • Catherine Keller and Laurel Schneider, Introduction to Polydoxy: Theology of Multiplicity and Relation, ed. Catherine Keller and Laurel Schneider (forthcoming September 2010, Routledge). [PDF] [HTML] [More about the book]

    The theme for our colloquium this fall emerged out of the conversations in which last year's colloquium—Polydoxy: Theologies of the Manifold—was conceived. To provide a context with as much concrete specificity as possible for participants (and observers) to think with in wrestling with our shared theme, this link takes you to the Introduction of the volume into which the papers from last year's colloquy have been collected.

  • John J. Thatamanil, "God as Ground, Contingency, and Relation: Trinity, Polydoxy, and Religious Diversity," in Polydoxy: Theology of Multiplicity and Relation, ed. Catherine Keller and Laurel Schneider (forthcoming September 2010, Routledge). [PDF] [HTML]

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Bela FIdel, Infinite Triangle V, oil on canvas, 24" x 30". www.belafidel.com. Used by permission.
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